On 11/07/2021 14:13, Rhialto wrote:
I keep having weird things with graphics performance. I got myself a new
box ("Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz") with 6 cores. I got a
"new" old Radeon HD-5450 because at least that chipset is supported for

I also use estd to dymamically throttle down the cpu freqency when the
system is not so busy. So most of the time it is set to 800 MHz, the
lowest possible value.

I'm not sure estd defaults work if you have a lot of cores. From reading the manual page (and based on experiments here) it seems to work based on overall cpu time so you have to adjust the parameters so that 1 core at 100% CPU is enough to keep it from dropping the clock speed. So for my 8 core i7 system I use:

estd_flags="-a -l 12 -h 25"

in rc.conf. So it needs a brief burst of 2 core load to get things to ramp up but then it won't ramp down as long as 1 core is maxed out. This seems to be match the reality when doing builds. Even when the a build goes single core as long as that core stays at 100% the core clock stays at maximum. This did seem to help with in browser video playback smoothness as well but I'm on the onboard graphics of my CPU rather than an external card.


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