Hello to everyone.

I'm trying to mount an ext4 partition on NetBSD. This is the NetBSD version
that I'm running right now :

localhost# uname -a

NetBSD localhost 9.2 NetBSD 9.2 (GENERIC) #0: Wed May 12 13:15:55 UTC
2021  mkre...@mkrepro.netbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC

The disk that I have previously formatted with the ext4 partition and that
I want to mount is : WD, 2500BMV External, 1.05 and it is mapped as sd1 and
sd2 :

    localhost# dmesg | grep 2500

    [     2.435070] sd2 at scsibus2 target 0 lun 0: <WD, 2500BMV
External, 1.05> disk fixed
    [     3.356209] sd1 at scsibus1 target 0 lun 0: <WD, 2500BMV
External, 1.05> disk fixed

    localhost# gpt show sd1

          start       size  index  contents
              0          1         PMBR
              1          1         Pri GPT header
              2         32         Pri GPT table
             34       2014         Unused
           2048  488394752      1  GPT part - Linux data
      488396800        335         Unused
      488397135         32         Sec GPT table
      488397167          1         Sec GPT header

but sd2 is another disk :

    localhost# gpt show sd2

        start         size  index  contents
            0            1         PMBR
            1            1         Pri GPT header
            2           32         Pri GPT table
           34         2014         Unused
         2048  23437701120      1  GPT part - Windows basic data
  23437703168         2015         Unused
  23437705183           32         Sec GPT table
  23437705215            1         Sec GPT header

But let's see what says dmesg :

    localhost# dmesg | grep sd1

    [     2.385071] sd1 at scsibus1 target 0 lun 0: <Corsair, Force 3
SSD, 0> disk fixed
    [     2.395070] sd1: 111 GB, 16383 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512
bytes/sect x 234441648 sectors
    [     2.435070] sd1: GPT GUID: bd2ec49f-a224-436f-9a09-8c04c5d8b19e
    [     2.435070] dk8 at sd1:
"fc5905ad-96d4-4161-af65-aab3f4061b1c", 262144 blocks at 64, type:
    [     2.435070] dk9 at sd1:
"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", 167373677 blocks at 262208,
type: ffs
    [     2.435070] autoconfiguration error: sd1: wedge named
'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' already exists, manual
intervention required
    [    10.114939] boot device: sd1
    [     3.356209] sd1 at scsibus1 target 0 lun 0: <WD, 2500BMV
External, 1.05> disk fixed
    [     3.356209] sd1: 232 GB, 16383 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512
bytes/sect x 488397168 sectors
    [     6.716210] sd1: GPT GUID: 96241da9-f011-45a8-a7b0-97aea29d7265

    -----> [     6.716210] dk16 at sd1: "Dati", 488394752 blocks at
2048, type: ext2fs

localhost# dmesg | grep sd2

    [     2.435070] sd2 at scsibus2 target 0 lun 0: <WD, 2500BMV
External, 1.05> disk fixed
    [     2.445070] sd2: 232 GB, 16383 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512
bytes/sect x 488397168 sectors
    [     2.445070] sd2: GPT GUID: 96241da9-f011-45a8-a7b0-97aea29d7265

    ----> [     2.445070] dk10 at sd2: "Dati", 488394752 blocks at
2048, type: ext2fs

    [     6.716210] sd2 at scsibus2 target 0 lun 0: <WD, Elements
25A3, 1021> disk fixed
    [     6.726209] sd2: fabricating a geometry
    [     6.726209] sd2: 11175 GB, 11444192 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512
bytes/sect x 23437705216 sectors
    [     6.736209] sd2: fabricating a geometry
    [     6.736209] sd2: GPT GUID: 6f2f762b-3696-48a5-8488-61bd05112e74
    [     6.736209] dk17 at sd2: "Elements", 23437701120 blocks at
2048, type: ntfs

It seems that there are two different wench to mount,dk16 and dk10. Let's
try to mount both of them :

    localhost# fuse-ext2 /dev/dk16 /mnt/WD2500BMV -o rw+
    localhost# ls /mnt/WD2500BMV

    localhost# fuse-ext2 /dev/dk10 /mnt/WD2500BMV -o rw+
    localhost# ls /mnt/WD2500BMV

None of them is the working one.


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