I am trying to use npf along with blacklistd as an anti-bruteforce system.
Configuration-wide, everything seems to work together, yet blacklisted IPs,
while present in the "blacklistd" ruleset, don't seem to be blocked.

Here's my npf.conf file:

# npf.conf

$ext = vioif0
$ip4 = inet4(vioif0)
$ip6 = inet6(vioif0)

set bpf.jit on;
alg "icmp"

$tcp_allowed = {25, 53, 465, 587, 995, ssh, http, https}
$udp_allowed = {53}

table <blacklist> type ipset file "/etc/npf_blacklist"

procedure "log" {
        log: npflog0

group "external" on $ext {
        ruleset "blacklistd"

        block in final from <blacklist>

group default {
        pass final on lo0 all
        pass stateful out final all
        pass all

        block in family inet6 all
        pass proto ipv6-icmp all
        pass stateful in family inet6 proto tcp to any port $tcp_allowed
        pass stateful in family inet6 proto udp to any port $udp_allowed
# end of npf.conf

This virtual machine acts like an IPv6 router, hence the default rules.
Here's an extract of rules inserted by blacklistd:

$ sudo npfctl rule blacklistd list
ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="1" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="2" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="3" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="4" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="5" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="6" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="7" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="8" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="9" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="a" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="b" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="c" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="d" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="e" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="f" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="10" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto tcp from to any port 22 # id="7276" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto tcp from to any port 22 # id="729a" ruleset block in final family inet4 proto udp from to any port 53 # id="72b6"

Yet none of those IPs are blocked, I tried with a server of mine, it gets added 
to the list but is not blocked.

As the rules in the ruleset are declared as "final", I presume the default
`pass all` is not reached, am I right?
I am probably missing something obvious but can't figure out what.

Any ideas?


Emile `iMil' Heitor <imil@{home.imil.net,NetBSD.org}> | https://imil.net

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