I installed the latest version of NetBSD 10.0 BETA and tried to ssh into it 
from an older system, in my case Mac OS X running 9.5 (Mavericks).  I got an 
error “no hostkey  alg”.  Never saw anything like this when I was running 9.2, 
and I was able to ssh into the new system from another system running 10.0.

After some research and experimentation I discovered that I needed to add this 
line to the NetBSD /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

    HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

I mention it here in case someone else stumbles into the problem.  Might be 
nice to add this to the default sshd_config file with a comment that it might 
be needed to allow older systems to connect.


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