On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 04:56:52PM -0500, Jay F. Shachter wrote:

Esteemed Colleagues:

I got a little further in the installation procedure, thanks to your
advice regarding the disabling of nouveau.  Now the installation
procedure is dying with the message

    Status: openpty() failed
   Command: disklabel -w -r -f /tmp/disklabel.13 wd0 'wd0' 'fictitious'

-----Hit enter to 

How do I proceed now?

At this point I do not know, sorry.

The openpty(3) error seems to indicate is trying to setup a
tty and it cannot not.  Maybe your system need nouveau ? So
disabling it may not work for you as it does on the Thinkpad
W541 I have access too.  Note, 9.3 will not boot on the W541,
10.0 BETA does boot fine.

Maybe check your hardware against the NetBSD supports ?


[t]csh(1) - "An elegant shell, for a more... civilized age."
                        - Paraphrasing Star Wars

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