On 17/07/2023 21:40, MLH wrote:
The new box (6 cores) compiles a full amd64 build at about 10x the
speed that the old Intel I3 (2 cores) did (yay). I build on the
old Hitachi drive, not the SSD (to preserve it a little more).

Don't worry that much about SSDs. Over 7 years I only had one fail in a laptop (which was previously a company laptop for many years so did get a lot of usage). Plus they're cheap.

The interesting thing is that two out of three hard drives on the
old box were 'failing'. All sorts of errors reported with them and
the os had been seizing every time I tried to compile anything
nontrivial, which is why the upgrade. All three hard drives work
great with the new motherboard and new power supply. Ha.

The Radeon HD 5450 works good, except with Netbsd 10. It works
completely fine with the old 9.93, just as with USB. The Radeon
gets a lot of lines sprinkled on the screen and often goes blank
for a bit.

Would be nice to have 10 fix the problems with X display and USB
that were introduced with 10.

It is important to raise a PR for any regression you notice with 10. I didn't really get many of them on my hardware.

Bartłomiej Krawczyk

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