On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 04:33:49PM +0200, bsdprg wrote:
> NetBSD 9.x sysinst correctly identifies the NetBSD wedge and allows me to
> install 9.x on it.
> NetBSD 10.x sysinst does not show me the option to install on this wedge.
> Instead it shows only the full disk options and one EFI partition as the
> wedge option.

I am not sure I parse that correctly. In -9 the wedges were mixed into the
list of plain disks, and people found that confusing.
So in -10 the list of wedges moved into a separate menu item - which I assume
you found, since you see the EFI partition there.

I am not sure what you otherwise see or don't see but expect to be there,
so it would be best if you could show the output of:

        gpt show -a wd0
        dkctl wd0 listwedges

(if wd0 is the hard disk you want to install to).


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