On Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 05:03:21PM +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote:
> [...]
> What was my mistake? Sorry for the lack of detail but is what I can recall
> from my poor memory. Just want to know what I did wrong and never do it in
> the future.

NetBSD 10.99 to 10.0_RC1 is not an upgrade but a downgrade actually.
This is not supported.
What probably happended is that some 10.99 dynamic libraries were still around
(because they have a higher number than their 10.0 counterpart),
but a 10.0 kernel would not support them

Manuel Bouyer <bou...@antioche.eu.org>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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