I couldn' get the install image (NetBSD-10.0_RC6-amd64-install.img.gz)
to boot.  It keeps stopping at "uhid2 at uhidev0 report id 7: input=0,
output=0 feature=256."  I was plagued with this problem with the
NetBSD-9 series, too, but I can't remember how I got around it.

In order to test NetBSD-10.0, I copied the latest kernel to the root
directory of a [partially] working NetBSD-9.3 system.  Absolutely
fantastic: super fast boot-up, AND the '/sbin/shutdown -p' glitch with
the 9.x series is fixed!  THANK YOU developers for your hard work.

Now, is there a way to update all the binary sets other than using the
install image sysinst?  Or can you remind me how to get the install
disk to complete its boot?  I REALLY want to get NetBSD 10 on this

T(a million)IA


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