Am 25.03.24 um 17:40 schrieb Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult:
I'm currently in process of setting up an CI build process for Xorg
on NetBSD (inside Qemu), but encountering really long delays in package

A simple `pkg_add pkgin` runs for over a quarter hour, and pkgin install
call took another half an hour, until it recognized a wrong parameter:

I have experience with a similar setup, from setting up the NetBSD CI images for the Go project.

Your timing is similar to what I had in some early tests. That said, have you measured what is the slow part? I bet it's the network, not specifically pkgin.

I don't see timing information in the CI log -- you could wrap the pkgin calls with "time", or print timestamps before each command.

Maybe you need to change something in the networking setup on the qemu side to get more throughput? There is no dmesg output in the log, so I would check if the network uses vioif, or an emulated interface.


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