rhia...@falu.nl (Rhialto) writes:

>$ sudo ./rump_msdos -o rw -o rump ./efi.img /tmp/t
>rump_msdos: "./efi.img" is a relative path.
>rump_msdos: using "/mnt/scratch/scratch/tmp/xcrash/efi.img" instead.
>[   1.0000000] entropy: ready

>terminal 2:

>$ cd /tmp/t
>$ ls -l
>total 4
>drwxr-xr-x  1 rhialto  wheel  4096 Apr 21  2021 efi/
>-rwxr-xr-x  1 rhialto  wheel     0 May  2 22:32 file*
>$ mv file file2
>mv: rename file to file2: Device not configured

I can repeat this with rump, but not with the kernel filesystem.
After my suggested change, rump no longer crashes.

N.B. the code change is in /usr/lib/librumpfs_msdos.so.0.0.

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