Thank you that was it!.


On Wed, 3 Jul 2024, RVP wrote:

On Tue, 2 Jul 2024, xuser wrote:

My NetBSD 10.0 amd64 server says that 511MB of memory are in use after running for one week. Without any load.

Do a `top -n'. If most of that 511MB is categorized as `File', then
it's normal. Every morning at 4:15 the /etc/daily script is run.
This does a checksum verification of all the files under /usr/pkg.
(The more files you have under /usr/pkg, the more data will go into
the file-cache.)

/etc/daily does other things which read a lot of data, but, the package
file-checksum verification is the major hog. You can turn it off using:

echo 'check_pkg_signatures=NO' >> /etc/security.conf


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