Sorry for the late reply...

On Thu 2018-03-29 at 20:21h, Leo Donahue wrote on netcat:
> Steps from Test case 12. Conflict resolved are confusing - I can't tell
> which project of the three now in project explorer I'm supposed to select
> project root on.

In test suite 3, test case 12, you can actually resuse the second project from 
test case 10 and only re-perform steps 3 and 4 from test case 10. Then in test 
case 12, steps 2 to 4 are performed on the original ("previous" in test case 
10) project, which now has the conflicts just as in test case 11. Test cases 11 
and 12 are basically the same (resolving merge conflicts), only that test case 
11 uses the Merge tool while in test case 12 you resolve the conflicts manually.

Everything going forward in test suite 3 (except test case 16) uses the 
original project, but it doesn't really matter, you can use either. The 
two-project scenario above is only needed for test cases 10 to 12 in order to 
be able to create merge conflicts.

> Test case 13. Delete file also doesn't tell me which project to pick when
> deleting the from package xx.yy. Any of the three projects I
> pick to delete that class did not show the "Locally Deleted" status in the
> Subversion tab.

It does for me when Show Changes was invoked on the project where the deletion 
is made. (The Subversion tab only shows changes for the project(s) on which 
Show Changes was last invoked.)


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