On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 11:39:41AM -0800, Sam Leffler wrote:
> The big stumbling block I found to going with virtual devices is that it 
> affects user apps.  I looked at doing things like auto-create a station 
> device for backwards compatibility but decided against it.  If you 
> really want this behaviour it can be done by user code.

Right, no reason not to just put this into a hotplug script, is there?
Is it, when it comes down to it, significantly different than automating
firmware loads for the user?


Mike Kershaw/Dragorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Experts in ancient Greek culture say that people back then didn't see their
thoughts as belonging to them.  When they had a thought, it occured to them
as a god or goddess giving them an order.  Apollo was telling them to be
brave.  Athena was telling them to fall in love.
Now people hear a commercial for sour cream potato chips and rush out to buy.
        -- Chuck Palahniuk

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