On Sun, 2006-19-02 at 00:42 -0800, David S. Miller wrote:
> From: jamal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 07:56:44 -0500
> > [1]I have to put a disclaimer: I am always a stickler as far as RED
> > is concerned (Thomas can testify to that) because it is very
> > delicate (not the code rather the algorithm) and i have suffered a
> > lot in the past getting those parameters tuned. There was a gent who
> > was interested in putting together regression tests for RED but he
> > keeps disappearing on us.
> There is a limit to how far you can apply this limitation on other
> people.  Nobody can touch RED in any significant way because of this
> roadblock.
> I would say it's justified if you had some full regression suite you
> were working on, but you're not and you won't be able to cook one up
> any time soon.
> There is a point at which the folks doing the work get to make the
> decisions, and that is leaning towards Patrick and others at this
> point.
I think I have sufficiently expressed my views and progress needs to be
made; therefore I ACK the patch.

Note the definition of "work" is very highly debatable as to be just
constrained to producing code but i think thats a different discussion
that perhaps is better suited for a slot in netconf. 


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