> +     if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_QED_SRIOV) && !IS_PF(hwfn->cdev)) {
> +             qed_vf_get_link_params(hwfn, params);
> +             qed_vf_get_link_state(hwfn, link);
> +             qed_vf_get_link_caps(hwfn, link_caps);
> +
> +             return 0;
> +     }

The IS_ENABLED here seems a bit wasteful to me - we have empty implementation
under qed_vf.h just for this case [I.e., that SRIOV isn't enabled for qed].
If all we're trying achieve is removing these gcc warnings, I think we can 
memset the structs in the currently-empty qed_vf_get_link_* functions.

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