On 07/08/2016 01:01 AM, Nicolas Dichtel wrote:
Those 300 routers will each have at least one namespace along with the dhcp
namespaces.  Depending on the nature of the routers (Distributed versus
Centralized Virtual Routers - DVR vs CVR) and whether the routers are supposed
to be "HA" there can be more than one namespace for a given router.

300 routers is far from the upper limit/goal.  Back in HP Public Cloud, we were
running as many as 700 routers per network node (*), and more than four network
nodes. (back then it was just the one namespace per router and network). Mileage
will of course vary based on the "oomph" of one's network node(s).
Thank you for the details.

Do you have a script or something else to easily reproduce this problem?

Do you mean for my much older, slightly different stuff done in HP Public Cloud, or for what Phil (?) is doing presently? I believe Phil posted something several messages back in the thread.

happy benchmarking,

rick jones

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