On Tue, 18 Oct 2016 21:46:48 +0300
Isaac Boukris <ibouk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 11:43 PM, Isaac Boukris <ibouk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > The unix(7) man page says that null have no special meaning in
> > abstract unix domain socket address (the length is specified
> > therefore).
> >
> > However, when such name (embedding null) is used, ss (and netstat)
> > will only show up to the first null occurrence (second technically, if
> > we count the null prefix).
> > e.g. the name "\0/tmp/fo\0.sock" is displayed as: "@/tmp/fo" (whilst
> > strace tool shows it as: sun_path=@"/tmp/fo\0.sock").
> >
> > Would it be more useful if it printed the whole name and escaped the null?
> > If so, would '\0' be ok for escaping the null?  
> Meanwhile, I've got it to escape the null character with with '\0' as 
> suggested.
> Can anyone take a look and advise if I'm on the right track? Thanks!

I did a little investigation and current ss behavior matches the output
of other commands (netstat and lsof).  Therefore I really can't see the 
to fix this. 

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