And besides, one can argue that in the SR-IOV scenario the VF has no business
knowing the physical port speed.

Good point, but there are more use-cases we should consider.
For example, when using Multi-Host/Flex-10/Multi-PF each PF should
be able to query both physical port speed and actual speed.

Despite my email address, I'm not fully versed on VC/Flex, but I have always been under the impression that the flexnics created were, conceptually, "distinct" NICs considered independently of the physical port over which they operated. Tossing another worm or three into the can, while "back in the day" (when some of the first ethtool changes to report speeds other than the "normal" ones went in) the speed of a flexnic was fixed, today, it can actually operate in a range. From a minimum guarantee to an "if there is bandwidth available" cap.

rick jones

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