On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 09:15:55PM +0400, Evgeniy Polyakov ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> After some enhancements made for netchannel subsystem I'm pleased to
> announce, that netchannel subsystem outperforms existing layered design
> both in CPU usage and network speed.
> Well, after such pretentious introduction I want to cool things down.
> CPU usage is about 1-2% less for netchannels and network performance is
> about 1-2 MB higher and sometimes exceeds 84 MB/sec which, I think, 
> is maximum for given network setup (e1000 receive, r8169 send, 1500 MTU).
> It is stable and 100% reproductible result.
> Performance graph and patch are attached.

Hmm, graph has been attached now.

        Evgeniy Polyakov

Attachment: netchannel_speed.png
Description: PNG image

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