On Mon, Nov 07, 2016 at 08:13:45PM -0500, David Miller wrote:

> From: Michal Tesar <mte...@redhat.com>
> Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2016 10:38:34 +0100
> >  2. If the received Query is a General Query, the interface timer is
> >     used to schedule a response to the General Query after the
> >     selected delay.  Any previously pending response to a General
> >     Query is canceled.
> > --8<--
> > 
> > Currently the timer is rearmed with new random expiration time for
> > every incoming query regardless of possibly already pending report.
> > Which is not aligned with the above RFE.
> I don't read it that way.  #2 says if this is a general query then any
> pending response to a general query is cancelled.  And that's
> effectively what the code is doing right now.

Hi David,
I think that it is important to notice that the RFC says also 
that only the first matching rule is applied.

When new Query with the Router-Alert option arrives on an
interface, provided the system has state to report, a delay for a
response is randomly selected in the range (0, [Max Resp Time]) where
Max Resp Time is derived from Max Resp Code in the received Query
message.  The following rules are then used to determine if a Report
needs to be scheduled and the type of Report to schedule.  The rules
are considered in order and only the first matching rule is applied.

1. If there is a pending response to a previous General Query
scheduled sooner than the selected delay, no additional response
needs to be scheduled.

2. If the received Query is a General Query, the interface timer is
used to schedule a response to the General Query after the
selected delay.  Any previously pending response to a General
Query is canceled.

So I would read the above like below:
If some general query arrives and there is some
already pending response scheduled sooner,
no action is needed.
That is how I understand to the rule [1].

But when an general query arrives and there is some other
response already pending, but not sooner as rule one says but later,
new report should be scheduled and the already pending one
needs to be canceled.
That is how I understand to the rule [2]

If there is no already pending report scheduled
the first part of the rule [2] is applied
and new report is scheduled along the selected delay.

So basically we need to compare the already scheduled response exp time
with the one coming in and choose the sooner one.
This is exactly what the patch does.

What do you think?
Best regards Michal Tesar

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