
> Pavel Machek wrote:
> >if you plug zd1201 into USB, it starts jamming radio,
> >immediately. Enable/disable, or iwlist wlan0 scan, or basically any
> >operation unjams the radio. This patch works it around:
> Can we be any more specific?
> At which precise point does the interference start? Does it happen even 
> without the driver loaded?
> Which operation is the one which stops the interference, the enable or 
> the disable?

enable alone is enough to stop the interference, but leaving card
enabled after load seems like a dirty hack.

> Does this happen on every plug in, or just sometimes? Is it affected by 
> usage patterns such as having the device plugged in throughout boot, 
> reloading the module, etc?

If I remove the firmware file, interference does not start... that
should be close to "not having module loaded".

I think I've answered all the questions now? :-).


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