On Wednesday 28 June 2006 21:27, Francois Barre wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry for answering years after the patch post, I didn't have time to
> test this take2 patch before. I had a first look at it a couple of
> days ago, but... you know, that was not my day.
> > Well, it does not work 100%, but at least it's very promising.
> > We are able to create a bssid and correctly send beacon frames out.
> [...]
> For my very own situation, that is :
> - Apple Mini with a BCM 4306 (BigEndian)
> - Linux/Win32 boxes with USB and PCMCIA wifi cards (mostly 802.11b usb
> at the moment)
> Current status is this one :
> - master mode functionnal
> - dhcp serving, good uptime
> - no encryption, WEP or WPA of any kind tested yet
> - a nice 1.2MB/s bandwidth (I'm testing with a 802.11b at client side,
> and AFAIK, bcm43xx does not handle 802.11g yet, does it ?)
> *BUT* a big issue : I got a per-connection hang-up at client side on
> strong workloads, for both win32 and linux client side, with my usb
> dongle (which is running ndiswrapper on *nux, sorry for that, I'm
> ashamed of it, silly me, I know, but well... No choice, and the device
> was given me free of charge so...).
> Typical scenario is a ssh session on one hand and a ftp transfer on
> the other. The ftp hangs, while the ssh session stays up and going.
> I got no problem with the PCMCIA card (a rock-solid WG511T), on both
> linux and win32.
> Of course, the bcm43xx does not say anything about this (if it had
> said so, I would have posted logs along with this complain), so my
> conclusion would be :
> Why on earth is this a per-connection issue ? where do I miss
> something ? if I'm really missing packets on one connection, why is
> the other one continuing to live ? I may have forgotten a subtle
> detail of the TCP/IP behaviour here...

Well, I doubt it is a bcm43xx issue. But maybe. Not sure.

Do you run some QoS stuff? Some other quota stuff?

Greetings Michael.
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