* Jamal Hadi Salim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2006-07-09 10:03
> On Sun, 2006-09-07 at 15:33 +0200, Thomas Graf wrote:
> > That's not gonna work, dev->queue_lock may be held legimitately
> > by someone else than an underlying dev_queue_xmit() call.
> > 
> If there is a legitimate reason then it wont work. I cant think of one
> though.

See sch_generic.c, it's documented. A simple grep on queue_lock
would have told you the same.

> This is also another approach that would work. If you think its simpler
> go ahead and shoot a patch.

It's not simpler, it's correct, while your patch is wrong.

> A->*->A is a no-no.
> And in some cases it is fine to let the user just fsck themselves
> because then they will understand it is a bad idea [1] when shit
> happens. OTOH, if there was a KISS way of doing it (as in the ifb case,
> why not).

I remind you that you started mentioning this A->*->A case while
talking about tx deadlocks that were supposed to be prevented with
the !from check or something along that lines. I can't really tell
because you explain it differently in every posting.

> Yes, of course otherwise i wouldnt bother to comment on any patches.

So maintain the code and fix your bugs.
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