On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 04:06:44PM +0200, Marco Berizzi wrote:
> conn pass
>       left=
>       leftsubnet=
>       right=
>       rightsubnet=10.180.0./16
>       type=passthrough
>       authby=never
>       auto=route
> After running 'ipsec auto --add pass && ipsec auto
> --route pass' openswan has eaten my static route
> inserted by hand:
> route add -net gw
> Here is 'ip r s' output after 'ipsec auto --route
> pass':
> dev eth2  proto kernel  scope link  src
> dev eth2  scope link

Oh yeah, forgot about that :)

You can set the gateway using rightnexthop=

> All if fine now. It isn't even needed anymore to
> insert the static route now, as it is placed by
> openswan. My question is how linux understand that
> it should send packets for to the
> router.

It doesn't really.  However your router might be proxy arping.

Visit Openswan at http://www.openswan.org/
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