On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 6:15 AM, Arkadi Sharshevsky <arka...@mellanox.com> wrote:
> Drivers may require driver specific information during the init stage.
> For example, memory based shared resource which should be segmented for
> different ASIC processes, such as FDB and LPM lookups.
> The current mlxsw implementation assumes some default values, which are
> const and cannot be changed due to lack of UAPI for its configuration
> (module params is not an option). Those values can greatly impact the
> scale of the hardware processes, such as the maximum sizes of the FDB/LPM
> tables. Furthermore, those values should be consistent between driver
> reloads.
> The interface called DPIPE [1] was introduced in order to provide
> abstraction of the hardware pipeline. This RFC letter suggests solving
> this problem by enhancing the DPIPE hardware abstraction model.
> DPIPE Resource
> ==============
> In order to represent ASIC wide resources space a new object should be
> introduced called "resource". It was originally suggested as future
> extension in [1] in order to give the user visibility about the tables
> limitation due to some shared resource. For example FDB and LPM share
> a common hash based memory. This abstraction can be also used for
> providing static configuration for such resources.
> Resource
> --------
> The resource object defines generic hardware resource like memory,
> counter pool, etc. which can be described by name and size. The resource
> can be nested, for example the internal ASIC's memory can be split into
> two parts, as can be seen in the following diagram:
>                     +---------------+
>                     |  Internal Mem |
>                     |               |
>                     |   Size: 3M*   |
>                     +---------------+
>                       /           \
>                      /             \
>                     /               \
>                    /                 \
>                   /                   \
>          +--------------+      +--------------+
>          |    Linear    |      |     Hash     |
>          |              |      |              |
>          |   Size: 1M   |      |   Size: 2M   |
>          +--------------+      +--------------+
> *The number are provided as an example and do not reflect real ASIC
>  resource sizes
> Where the hash portion is used for FDB/LPM table lookups, and the linear
> one is used by the routing adjacency table. Each resource can be described
> by a name, size and list of children. Example for dumping the described
> above structure:
> #devlink dpipe resource dump tree pci/0000:03:00.0 Mem
> {
>     "resource": {
>        "pci/0000:03:00.0": [{
>             "name": "Mem",
>             "size": 3M,
>             "resource": [{
>                       "name": "Mem_Linear",
>                       "size": "1M",
>                      }, {
>                       "name": "Mem_Hash",
>                       "size": "2MK",
>                      }
>               }]
>         }]
>      }
> }
> Each DPIPE table can be connected to one resource.
> Driver <--> Devlink API
> =======================
> Each driver will register his resources with default values at init in
> a similar way to DPIPE table registration. In case those resources already
> exist the default values are discarded. The user will be able to dump and
> update the resources. In order for the changes to take place the user will
> need to re-initiate the driver by a specific devlink knob.
> The above described procedure will require extra reload of the driver.
> This can be improved as a future optimization.
> ====
> The user will be able to update the resources on a per resource basis:
> $devlink dpipe resource set pci/0000:03:00.0 Mem_Linear 2M
> For some resources the size is fixed, for example the size of the internal
> memory cannot be changed. It is provided merely in order to reflect the
> nested structure of the resource and to imply the user that Mem = Linear +
> Hash, thus a set operation on it will fail.
> The user can dump the current resource configuration:
> #devlink dpipe resource dump tree pci/0000:03:00.0 Mem
> The user can specify 'tree' in order to show all the nested resources under
> the specified one. In case no 'resource name' is specified the TOP hierarchy
> will be dumped.
> After successful resource update the drivers hould be re-instantiated in
> order for the changes to take place:
> $devlink reload pci/0000:03:00.0
> User Configuration
> ------------------
> Such an UAPI is very low level, and thus an average user may not know how to
> adjust this sizes according to his needs. The vendor can provide several
> tested configuration files that the user can choose from. Each config file
> will be measured in terms of: MAC addresses, L3 Neighbors (IPv4, IPv6),
> LPM entries (IPv4,IPv6) in order to provide approximate results. By this an
> average user will choose one of the provided ones. Furthermore, a more
> advanced user could play with the numbers for his personal benefit.
> Reference
> =========
> [1] https://netdevconf.org/2.1/papers/dpipe_netdev_2_1.odt

Thanks for sending this out. There is very much a need for this.
and agree, user-space app config can translate to what values they want and
 kernel api can be a low level api.

But how about we align these resource limits with the kernel resource limits ?
For example we usually map l3 hw neighbor limits to kernel software gc_thresh
values (which are configurable via sysctl). This is one way to give
user immediate
feedback on resource full errors. It would be nice if we can introduce
limits for routes and
mac addresses. Defaults could be what they are today but user
configurable ...like I said,
neighbor subsystem already allows this.

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