Let's reset this one.

I cannot say I am happy with the current number of caveats on using this. We should at least throw a small page similar to the one dedicated to tpacket_v2 into the kernel docs (or amend the offload docs). As I do not know all the corner cases well enough I find it difficult to volunteer on this one, it should be someone more familiar with the code. If they are documented, we can say that this is not a bug, it is a feature :)

What I can volunteer on is contributing some code to the actual af_packet.c. When I did the digging in the source, I noticed that tap has an unfair advantage over raw by allowing the user to specify buffers from userspace. I am happy to port that, test it and contribute it.

Anton R. Ivanov

Cambridge Greys Limited, England and Wales company No 10273661

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