On Tue, Nov 07, 2017 at 08:25:03AM -0800, Linus Torvalds wrote:
On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 2:21 AM, Fengguang Wu <fengguang...@intel.com> wrote:

FYI this happens in v4.14-rc8 -- it's not necessarily a new bug.

Probably not.

Looks like a use-after-free bug in vlan_device_event() judging by the
base pointer:

   ECX: 6b6b6b6b

this is one of those circumstances where having the faddr2line output
for that EIP would make it much easier to see exactly which access it
is that causes problems. There's lots of inlining going on, so without
that it's a pain to figure out.

The code is

  0: 31 c0                xor    %eax,%eax
  2: 8d 76 00              lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
  5: 89 c2                mov    %eax,%edx
  7: 89 c3                mov    %eax,%ebx
  9: 81 e2 ff 0f 00 00    and    $0xfff,%edx
  f: 89 d1                mov    %edx,%ecx
 11: c1 fb 0c              sar    $0xc,%ebx
 14: c1 e9 09              shr    $0x9,%ecx
 17: 8d 0c d9              lea    (%ecx,%ebx,8),%ecx
 1a: 8b 4c 8e 10          mov    0x10(%esi,%ecx,4),%ecx
 1e: 85 c9                test   %ecx,%ecx
 20: 74 34                je     0x56
 22: 81 e2 ff 01 00 00    and    $0x1ff,%edx
 28:* 8b 14 91              mov    (%ecx,%edx,4),%edx <-- trapping instruction
 2b: 85 d2                test   %edx,%edx
 2d: 74 27                je     0x56
 2f: f6 82 30 01 00 00 01 testb  $0x1,0x130(%edx)
 36: 74 1e                je     0x56

and just by going by the constants in question (0xfff and 0x1ff), I
can see that it's one of

   vlan_group_for_each_dev(..) {

things, but that's pretty much all I can tell.

Apparently we'll get that faddr2line output soon. In the meantime, I
think this is a real bug report but I don't see enough information to
really go on.

Got it. I should be able to get faddr2line output tomorrow.

Of course, if it's bisectable, that would be great too.

It looks reproducible enough to be bisectable. I'll try.


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