On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 7:02 AM, Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <t...@toke.dk> wrote:
> +struct cake_sched_data {
> +       struct cake_tin_data *tins;
> +
> +       struct cake_heap_entry overflow_heap[CAKE_QUEUES * CAKE_MAX_TINS];
> +       u16             overflow_timeout;
> +
> +       u16             tin_cnt;
> +       u8              tin_mode;
> +       u8              flow_mode;
> +       u8              ack_filter;
> +       u8              atm_mode;
> +
> +       /* time_next = time_this + ((len * rate_ns) >> rate_shft) */
> +       u16             rate_shft;
> +       u64             time_next_packet;
> +       u64             failsafe_next_packet;
> +       u32             rate_ns;
> +       u32             rate_bps;
> +       u16             rate_flags;
> +       s16             rate_overhead;
> +       u16             rate_mpu;
> +       u32             interval;
> +       u32             target;
> +
> +       /* resource tracking */
> +       u32             buffer_used;
> +       u32             buffer_max_used;
> +       u32             buffer_limit;
> +       u32             buffer_config_limit;
> +
> +       /* indices for dequeue */
> +       u16             cur_tin;
> +       u16             cur_flow;
> +
> +       struct qdisc_watchdog watchdog;
> +       const u8        *tin_index;
> +       const u8        *tin_order;
> +
> +       /* bandwidth capacity estimate */
> +       u64             last_packet_time;
> +       u64             avg_packet_interval;
> +       u64             avg_window_begin;
> +       u32             avg_window_bytes;
> +       u32             avg_peak_bandwidth;
> +       u64             last_reconfig_time;
> +
> +       /* packet length stats */
> +       u32 avg_netoff;
> +       u16 max_netlen;
> +       u16 max_adjlen;
> +       u16 min_netlen;
> +       u16 min_adjlen;
> +};

So sch_cake doesn't accept normal tc filters? Is this intentional?
If so, why?

> +static u16 quantum_div[CAKE_QUEUES + 1] = {0};
> +
> +#define REC_INV_SQRT_CACHE (16)
> +static u32 cobalt_rec_inv_sqrt_cache[REC_INV_SQRT_CACHE] = {0};
> +
> +/* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots
> + * new_invsqrt = (invsqrt / 2) * (3 - count * invsqrt^2)
> + *
> + * Here, invsqrt is a fixed point number (< 1.0), 32bit mantissa, aka Q0.32
> + */
> +
> +static void cobalt_newton_step(struct cobalt_vars *vars)
> +{
> +       u32 invsqrt = vars->rec_inv_sqrt;
> +       u32 invsqrt2 = ((u64)invsqrt * invsqrt) >> 32;
> +       u64 val = (3LL << 32) - ((u64)vars->count * invsqrt2);
> +
> +       val >>= 2; /* avoid overflow in following multiply */
> +       val = (val * invsqrt) >> (32 - 2 + 1);
> +
> +       vars->rec_inv_sqrt = val;
> +}
> +
> +static void cobalt_invsqrt(struct cobalt_vars *vars)
> +{
> +       if (vars->count < REC_INV_SQRT_CACHE)
> +               vars->rec_inv_sqrt = cobalt_rec_inv_sqrt_cache[vars->count];
> +       else
> +               cobalt_newton_step(vars);
> +}

Looks pretty much duplicated with codel...

> +
> +/* There is a big difference in timing between the accurate values placed in
> + * the cache and the approximations given by a single Newton step for small
> + * count values, particularly when stepping from count 1 to 2 or vice versa.
> + * Above 16, a single Newton step gives sufficient accuracy in either
> + * direction, given the precision stored.
> + *
> + * The magnitude of the error when stepping up to count 2 is such as to give
> + * the value that *should* have been produced at count 4.
> + */
> +
> +static void cobalt_cache_init(void)
> +{
> +       struct cobalt_vars v;
> +
> +       memset(&v, 0, sizeof(v));
> +       v.rec_inv_sqrt = ~0U;
> +       cobalt_rec_inv_sqrt_cache[0] = v.rec_inv_sqrt;
> +
> +       for (v.count = 1; v.count < REC_INV_SQRT_CACHE; v.count++) {
> +               cobalt_newton_step(&v);
> +               cobalt_newton_step(&v);
> +               cobalt_newton_step(&v);
> +               cobalt_newton_step(&v);
> +
> +               cobalt_rec_inv_sqrt_cache[v.count] = v.rec_inv_sqrt;
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +static void cobalt_vars_init(struct cobalt_vars *vars)
> +{
> +       memset(vars, 0, sizeof(*vars));
> +
> +       if (!cobalt_rec_inv_sqrt_cache[0]) {
> +               cobalt_cache_init();
> +               cobalt_rec_inv_sqrt_cache[0] = ~0;
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +/* CoDel control_law is t + interval/sqrt(count)
> + * We maintain in rec_inv_sqrt the reciprocal value of sqrt(count) to avoid
> + * both sqrt() and divide operation.
> + */
> +static cobalt_time_t cobalt_control(cobalt_time_t t,
> +                                   cobalt_time_t interval,
> +                                   u32 rec_inv_sqrt)
> +{
> +       return t + reciprocal_scale(interval, rec_inv_sqrt);
> +}
> +
> +/* Call this when a packet had to be dropped due to queue overflow.  Returns
> + * true if the BLUE state was quiescent before but active after this call.
> + */
> +static bool cobalt_queue_full(struct cobalt_vars *vars,
> +                             struct cobalt_params *p,
> +                             cobalt_time_t now)
> +{
> +       bool up = false;
> +
> +       if ((now - vars->blue_timer) > p->target) {
> +               up = !vars->p_drop;
> +               vars->p_drop += p->p_inc;
> +               if (vars->p_drop < p->p_inc)
> +                       vars->p_drop = ~0;
> +               vars->blue_timer = now;
> +       }
> +       vars->dropping = true;
> +       vars->drop_next = now;
> +       if (!vars->count)
> +               vars->count = 1;
> +
> +       return up;
> +}
> +
> +/* Call this when the queue was serviced but turned out to be empty.  Returns
> + * true if the BLUE state was active before but quiescent after this call.
> + */
> +static bool cobalt_queue_empty(struct cobalt_vars *vars,
> +                              struct cobalt_params *p,
> +                              cobalt_time_t now)
> +{
> +       bool down = false;
> +
> +       if (vars->p_drop && (now - vars->blue_timer) > p->target) {
> +               if (vars->p_drop < p->p_dec)
> +                       vars->p_drop = 0;
> +               else
> +                       vars->p_drop -= p->p_dec;
> +               vars->blue_timer = now;
> +               down = !vars->p_drop;
> +       }
> +       vars->dropping = false;
> +
> +       if (vars->count && (now - vars->drop_next) >= 0) {
> +               vars->count--;
> +               cobalt_invsqrt(vars);
> +               vars->drop_next = cobalt_control(vars->drop_next,
> +                                                p->interval,
> +                                                vars->rec_inv_sqrt);
> +       }
> +
> +       return down;
> +}
> +
> +/* Call this with a freshly dequeued packet for possible congestion marking.
> + * Returns true as an instruction to drop the packet, false for delivery.
> + */
> +static bool cobalt_should_drop(struct cobalt_vars *vars,
> +                              struct cobalt_params *p,
> +                              cobalt_time_t now,
> +                              struct sk_buff *skb)
> +{
> +       bool drop = false;
> +
> +       /* Simplified Codel implementation */
> +       cobalt_tdiff_t sojourn  = now - cobalt_get_enqueue_time(skb);
> +
> +/* The 'schedule' variable records, in its sign, whether 'now' is before or
> + * after 'drop_next'.  This allows 'drop_next' to be updated before the next
> + * scheduling decision is actually branched, without destroying that
> + * information.  Similarly, the first 'schedule' value calculated is 
> preserved
> + * in the boolean 'next_due'.
> + *
> + * As for 'drop_next', we take advantage of the fact that 'interval' is both
> + * the delay between first exceeding 'target' and the first signalling event,
> + * *and* the scaling factor for the signalling frequency.  It's therefore 
> very
> + * natural to use a single mechanism for both purposes, and eliminates a
> + * significant amount of reference Codel's spaghetti code.  To help with 
> this,
> + * both the '0' and '1' entries in the invsqrt cache are 0xFFFFFFFF, as close
> + * as possible to 1.0 in fixed-point.
> + */
> +
> +       cobalt_tdiff_t schedule = now - vars->drop_next;
> +
> +       bool over_target = sojourn > p->target &&
> +                          sojourn > p->mtu_time * 4;
> +       bool next_due    = vars->count && schedule >= 0;
> +
> +       vars->ecn_marked = false;
> +
> +       if (over_target) {
> +               if (!vars->dropping) {
> +                       vars->dropping = true;
> +                       vars->drop_next = cobalt_control(now,
> +                                                        p->interval,
> +                                                        vars->rec_inv_sqrt);
> +               }
> +               if (!vars->count)
> +                       vars->count = 1;
> +       } else if (vars->dropping) {
> +               vars->dropping = false;
> +       }
> +
> +       if (next_due && vars->dropping) {
> +               /* Use ECN mark if possible, otherwise drop */
> +               drop = !(vars->ecn_marked = INET_ECN_set_ce(skb));
> +
> +               vars->count++;
> +               if (!vars->count)
> +                       vars->count--;
> +               cobalt_invsqrt(vars);
> +               vars->drop_next = cobalt_control(vars->drop_next,
> +                                                p->interval,
> +                                                vars->rec_inv_sqrt);
> +               schedule = now - vars->drop_next;
> +       } else {
> +               while (next_due) {
> +                       vars->count--;
> +                       cobalt_invsqrt(vars);
> +                       vars->drop_next = cobalt_control(vars->drop_next,
> +                                                        p->interval,
> +                                                        vars->rec_inv_sqrt);
> +                       schedule = now - vars->drop_next;
> +                       next_due = vars->count && schedule >= 0;
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       /* Simple BLUE implementation.  Lack of ECN is deliberate. */
> +       if (vars->p_drop)
> +               drop |= (prandom_u32() < vars->p_drop);
> +
> +       /* Overload the drop_next field as an activity timeout */
> +       if (!vars->count)
> +               vars->drop_next = now + p->interval;
> +       else if (schedule > 0 && !drop)
> +               vars->drop_next = now;
> +
> +       return drop;
> +}
> +
> +/* Cake has several subtle multiple bit settings. In these cases you
> + *  would be matching triple isolate mode as well.
> + */
> +
> +static bool cake_dsrc(int flow_mode)
> +{
> +       return (flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_DUAL_SRC) == CAKE_FLOW_DUAL_SRC;
> +}
> +
> +static bool cake_ddst(int flow_mode)
> +{
> +       return (flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_DUAL_DST) == CAKE_FLOW_DUAL_DST;
> +}
> +
> +static u32 cake_hash(struct cake_tin_data *q, const struct sk_buff *skb,
> +                    int flow_mode)
> +{
> +       struct flow_keys keys, host_keys;
> +       u32 flow_hash = 0, srchost_hash, dsthost_hash;
> +       u16 reduced_hash, srchost_idx, dsthost_idx;
> +
> +       if (unlikely(flow_mode == CAKE_FLOW_NONE))
> +               return 0;
> +
> +       skb_flow_dissect_flow_keys(skb, &keys,
> +                                  FLOW_DISSECTOR_F_STOP_AT_FLOW_LABEL);
> +
> +       /* flow_hash_from_keys() sorts the addresses by value, so we have
> +        * to preserve their order in a separate data structure to treat
> +        * src and dst host addresses as independently selectable.
> +        */
> +       host_keys = keys;
> +       host_keys.ports.ports     = 0;
> +       host_keys.basic.ip_proto  = 0;
> +       host_keys.keyid.keyid     = 0;
> +       host_keys.tags.flow_label = 0;
> +
> +       switch (host_keys.control.addr_type) {
> +               host_keys.addrs.v4addrs.src = 0;
> +               dsthost_hash = flow_hash_from_keys(&host_keys);
> +               host_keys.addrs.v4addrs.src = keys.addrs.v4addrs.src;
> +               host_keys.addrs.v4addrs.dst = 0;
> +               srchost_hash = flow_hash_from_keys(&host_keys);
> +               break;
> +
> +               memset(&host_keys.addrs.v6addrs.src, 0,
> +                      sizeof(host_keys.addrs.v6addrs.src));
> +               dsthost_hash = flow_hash_from_keys(&host_keys);
> +               host_keys.addrs.v6addrs.src = keys.addrs.v6addrs.src;
> +               memset(&host_keys.addrs.v6addrs.dst, 0,
> +                      sizeof(host_keys.addrs.v6addrs.dst));
> +               srchost_hash = flow_hash_from_keys(&host_keys);
> +               break;
> +
> +       default:
> +               dsthost_hash = 0;
> +               srchost_hash = 0;
> +       }
> +
> +       /* This *must* be after the above switch, since as a
> +        * side-effect it sorts the src and dst addresses.
> +        */
> +       if (flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_FLOWS)
> +               flow_hash = flow_hash_from_keys(&keys);
> +
> +       if (!(flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_FLOWS)) {
> +               if (flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_SRC_IP)
> +                       flow_hash ^= srchost_hash;
> +
> +               if (flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_DST_IP)
> +                       flow_hash ^= dsthost_hash;
> +       }
> +
> +       reduced_hash = flow_hash % CAKE_QUEUES;
> +
> +       /* set-associative hashing */
> +       /* fast path if no hash collision (direct lookup succeeds) */
> +       if (likely(q->tags[reduced_hash] == flow_hash &&
> +                  q->flows[reduced_hash].set)) {
> +               q->way_directs++;
> +       } else {
> +               u32 inner_hash = reduced_hash % CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +               u32 outer_hash = reduced_hash - inner_hash;
> +               u32 i, k;
> +               bool allocate_src = false;
> +               bool allocate_dst = false;
> +
> +               /* check if any active queue in the set is reserved for
> +                * this flow.
> +                */
> +               for (i = 0, k = inner_hash; i < CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                    i++, k = (k + 1) % CAKE_SET_WAYS) {
> +                       if (q->tags[outer_hash + k] == flow_hash) {
> +                               if (i)
> +                                       q->way_hits++;
> +
> +                               if (!q->flows[outer_hash + k].set) {
> +                                       /* need to increment host refcnts */
> +                                       allocate_src = cake_dsrc(flow_mode);
> +                                       allocate_dst = cake_ddst(flow_mode);
> +                               }
> +
> +                               goto found;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +
> +               /* no queue is reserved for this flow, look for an
> +                * empty one.
> +                */
> +               for (i = 0; i < CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                        i++, k = (k + 1) % CAKE_SET_WAYS) {
> +                       if (!q->flows[outer_hash + k].set) {
> +                               q->way_misses++;
> +                               allocate_src = cake_dsrc(flow_mode);
> +                               allocate_dst = cake_ddst(flow_mode);
> +                               goto found;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +
> +               /* With no empty queues, default to the original
> +                * queue, accept the collision, update the host tags.
> +                */
> +               q->way_collisions++;
> +               q->hosts[q->flows[reduced_hash].srchost].srchost_refcnt--;
> +               q->hosts[q->flows[reduced_hash].dsthost].dsthost_refcnt--;
> +               allocate_src = cake_dsrc(flow_mode);
> +               allocate_dst = cake_ddst(flow_mode);
> +found:
> +               /* reserve queue for future packets in same flow */
> +               reduced_hash = outer_hash + k;
> +               q->tags[reduced_hash] = flow_hash;
> +
> +               if (allocate_src) {
> +                       srchost_idx = srchost_hash % CAKE_QUEUES;
> +                       inner_hash = srchost_idx % CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                       outer_hash = srchost_idx - inner_hash;
> +                       for (i = 0, k = inner_hash; i < CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                               i++, k = (k + 1) % CAKE_SET_WAYS) {
> +                               if (q->hosts[outer_hash + k].srchost_tag ==
> +                                   srchost_hash)
> +                                       goto found_src;
> +                       }
> +                       for (i = 0; i < CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                               i++, k = (k + 1) % CAKE_SET_WAYS) {
> +                               if (!q->hosts[outer_hash + k].srchost_refcnt)
> +                                       break;
> +                       }
> +                       q->hosts[outer_hash + k].srchost_tag = srchost_hash;
> +found_src:
> +                       srchost_idx = outer_hash + k;
> +                       q->hosts[srchost_idx].srchost_refcnt++;
> +                       q->flows[reduced_hash].srchost = srchost_idx;
> +               }
> +
> +               if (allocate_dst) {
> +                       dsthost_idx = dsthost_hash % CAKE_QUEUES;
> +                       inner_hash = dsthost_idx % CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                       outer_hash = dsthost_idx - inner_hash;
> +                       for (i = 0, k = inner_hash; i < CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                            i++, k = (k + 1) % CAKE_SET_WAYS) {
> +                               if (q->hosts[outer_hash + k].dsthost_tag ==
> +                                   dsthost_hash)
> +                                       goto found_dst;
> +                       }
> +                       for (i = 0; i < CAKE_SET_WAYS;
> +                            i++, k = (k + 1) % CAKE_SET_WAYS) {
> +                               if (!q->hosts[outer_hash + k].dsthost_refcnt)
> +                                       break;
> +                       }
> +                       q->hosts[outer_hash + k].dsthost_tag = dsthost_hash;
> +found_dst:
> +                       dsthost_idx = outer_hash + k;
> +                       q->hosts[dsthost_idx].dsthost_refcnt++;
> +                       q->flows[reduced_hash].dsthost = dsthost_idx;
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       return reduced_hash;
> +}
> +
> +/* helper functions : might be changed when/if skb use a standard list_head 
> */
> +/* remove one skb from head of slot queue */
> +
> +static struct sk_buff *dequeue_head(struct cake_flow *flow)
> +{
> +       struct sk_buff *skb = flow->head;
> +
> +       if (skb) {
> +               flow->head = skb->next;
> +               skb->next = NULL;
> +
> +               if (skb == flow->ackcheck)
> +                       flow->ackcheck = NULL;
> +       }
> +
> +       return skb;
> +}
> +
> +/* add skb to flow queue (tail add) */
> +
> +static void flow_queue_add(struct cake_flow *flow, struct sk_buff *skb)
> +{
> +       if (!flow->head)
> +               flow->head = skb;
> +       else
> +               flow->tail->next = skb;
> +       flow->tail = skb;
> +       skb->next = NULL;
> +}
> +
> +static cobalt_time_t cake_ewma(cobalt_time_t avg, cobalt_time_t sample,
> +                                     u32 shift)
> +{
> +       avg -= avg >> shift;
> +       avg += sample >> shift;
> +       return avg;
> +}
> +
> +static void cake_heap_swap(struct cake_sched_data *q, u16 i, u16 j)
> +{
> +       struct cake_heap_entry ii = q->overflow_heap[i];
> +       struct cake_heap_entry jj = q->overflow_heap[j];
> +
> +       q->overflow_heap[i] = jj;
> +       q->overflow_heap[j] = ii;
> +
> +       q->tins[ii.t].overflow_idx[ii.b] = j;
> +       q->tins[jj.t].overflow_idx[jj.b] = i;
> +}
> +
> +static u32 cake_heap_get_backlog(const struct cake_sched_data *q, u16 i)
> +{
> +       struct cake_heap_entry ii = q->overflow_heap[i];
> +
> +       return q->tins[ii.t].backlogs[ii.b];
> +}
> +
> +static void cake_heapify(struct cake_sched_data *q, u16 i)
> +{
> +       static const u32 a = CAKE_MAX_TINS * CAKE_QUEUES;
> +       u32 m = i;
> +       u32 mb = cake_heap_get_backlog(q, m);
> +
> +       while (m < a) {
> +               u32 l = m + m + 1;
> +               u32 r = l + 1;
> +
> +               if (l < a) {
> +                       u32 lb = cake_heap_get_backlog(q, l);
> +
> +                       if (lb > mb) {
> +                               m  = l;
> +                               mb = lb;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +
> +               if (r < a) {
> +                       u32 rb = cake_heap_get_backlog(q, r);
> +
> +                       if (rb > mb) {
> +                               m  = r;
> +                               mb = rb;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +
> +               if (m != i) {
> +                       cake_heap_swap(q, i, m);
> +                       i = m;
> +               } else {
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +static void cake_heapify_up(struct cake_sched_data *q, u16 i)
> +{
> +       while (i > 0 && i < CAKE_MAX_TINS * CAKE_QUEUES) {
> +               u16 p = (i - 1) >> 1;
> +               u32 ib = cake_heap_get_backlog(q, i);
> +               u32 pb = cake_heap_get_backlog(q, p);
> +
> +               if (ib > pb) {
> +                       cake_heap_swap(q, i, p);
> +                       i = p;
> +               } else {
> +                       break;
> +               }
> +       }
> +}
> +
> +static int cake_advance_shaper(struct cake_sched_data *q,
> +                              struct cake_tin_data *b,
> +                              struct sk_buff *skb,
> +                              u64 now, bool drop)
> +{
> +       u32 len = qdisc_pkt_len(skb);
> +
> +       /* charge packet bandwidth to this tin
> +        * and to the global shaper.
> +        */
> +       if (q->rate_ns) {
> +               s64 tdiff1 = b->tin_time_next_packet - now;
> +               s64 tdiff2 = (len * (u64)b->tin_rate_ns) >> b->tin_rate_shft;
> +               s64 tdiff3 = (len * (u64)q->rate_ns) >> q->rate_shft;
> +               s64 tdiff4 = tdiff3 + (tdiff3 >> 1);
> +
> +               if (tdiff1 < 0)
> +                       b->tin_time_next_packet += tdiff2;
> +               else if (tdiff1 < tdiff2)
> +                       b->tin_time_next_packet = now + tdiff2;
> +
> +               q->time_next_packet += tdiff3;
> +               if (!drop)
> +                       q->failsafe_next_packet += tdiff4;
> +       }
> +       return len;
> +}
> +
> +static unsigned int cake_drop(struct Qdisc *sch, struct sk_buff **to_free)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct sk_buff *skb;
> +       u32 idx = 0, tin = 0, len;
> +       struct cake_tin_data *b;
> +       struct cake_flow *flow;
> +       struct cake_heap_entry qq;
> +       u64 now = cobalt_get_time();
> +
> +       if (!q->overflow_timeout) {
> +               int i;
> +               /* Build fresh max-heap */
> +               for (i = CAKE_MAX_TINS * CAKE_QUEUES / 2; i >= 0; i--)
> +                       cake_heapify(q, i);
> +       }
> +       q->overflow_timeout = 65535;
> +
> +       /* select longest queue for pruning */
> +       qq  = q->overflow_heap[0];
> +       tin = qq.t;
> +       idx = qq.b;
> +
> +       b = &q->tins[tin];
> +       flow = &b->flows[idx];
> +       skb = dequeue_head(flow);
> +       if (unlikely(!skb)) {
> +               /* heap has gone wrong, rebuild it next time */
> +               q->overflow_timeout = 0;
> +               return idx + (tin << 16);
> +       }
> +
> +       if (cobalt_queue_full(&flow->cvars, &b->cparams, now))
> +               b->unresponsive_flow_count++;
> +
> +       len = qdisc_pkt_len(skb);
> +       q->buffer_used      -= skb->truesize;
> +       b->backlogs[idx]    -= len;
> +       b->tin_backlog      -= len;
> +       sch->qstats.backlog -= len;
> +       qdisc_tree_reduce_backlog(sch, 1, len);
> +
> +       b->tin_dropped++;
> +       sch->qstats.drops++;
> +
> +       __qdisc_drop(skb, to_free);
> +       sch->q.qlen--;
> +
> +       cake_heapify(q, 0);
> +
> +       return idx + (tin << 16);
> +}
> +
> +static void cake_reconfigure(struct Qdisc *sch);
> +
> +static s32 cake_enqueue(struct sk_buff *skb, struct Qdisc *sch,
> +                       struct sk_buff **to_free)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       u32 idx, tin;
> +       struct cake_tin_data *b;
> +       struct cake_flow *flow;
> +       /* signed len to handle corner case filtered ACK larger than trigger 
> */
> +       int len = qdisc_pkt_len(skb);
> +       u64 now = cobalt_get_time();
> +
> +       tin = 0;
> +       b = &q->tins[tin];
> +
> +       /* choose flow to insert into */
> +       idx = cake_hash(b, skb, q->flow_mode);
> +       flow = &b->flows[idx];
> +
> +       /* ensure shaper state isn't stale */
> +       if (!b->tin_backlog) {
> +               if (b->tin_time_next_packet < now)
> +                       b->tin_time_next_packet = now;
> +
> +               if (!sch->q.qlen) {
> +                       if (q->time_next_packet < now) {
> +                               q->failsafe_next_packet = now;
> +                               q->time_next_packet = now;
> +                       } else if (q->time_next_packet > now &&
> +                                  q->failsafe_next_packet > now) {
> +                               u64 next = min(q->time_next_packet,
> +                                              q->failsafe_next_packet);
> +                               sch->qstats.overlimits++;
> +                               qdisc_watchdog_schedule_ns(&q->watchdog, 
> next);
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       if (unlikely(len > b->max_skblen))
> +               b->max_skblen = len;
> +
> +       cobalt_set_enqueue_time(skb, now);
> +       flow_queue_add(flow, skb);
> +
> +       sch->q.qlen++;
> +       q->buffer_used      += skb->truesize;
> +
> +       /* stats */
> +       b->packets++;
> +       b->bytes            += len;
> +       b->backlogs[idx]    += len;
> +       b->tin_backlog      += len;
> +       sch->qstats.backlog += len;
> +       q->avg_window_bytes += len;
> +
> +       if (q->overflow_timeout)
> +               cake_heapify_up(q, b->overflow_idx[idx]);
> +
> +       /* incoming bandwidth capacity estimate */
> +       q->avg_window_bytes = 0;
> +       q->last_packet_time = now;
> +
> +       /* flowchain */
> +       if (!flow->set || flow->set == CAKE_SET_DECAYING) {
> +               struct cake_host *srchost = &b->hosts[flow->srchost];
> +               struct cake_host *dsthost = &b->hosts[flow->dsthost];
> +               u16 host_load = 1;
> +
> +               if (!flow->set) {
> +                       list_add_tail(&flow->flowchain, &b->new_flows);
> +               } else {
> +                       b->decaying_flow_count--;
> +                       list_move_tail(&flow->flowchain, &b->new_flows);
> +               }
> +               flow->set = CAKE_SET_SPARSE;
> +               b->sparse_flow_count++;
> +
> +               if (cake_dsrc(q->flow_mode))
> +                       host_load = max(host_load, srchost->srchost_refcnt);
> +
> +               if (cake_ddst(q->flow_mode))
> +                       host_load = max(host_load, dsthost->dsthost_refcnt);
> +
> +               flow->deficit = (b->flow_quantum *
> +                                quantum_div[host_load]) >> 16;
> +       } else if (flow->set == CAKE_SET_SPARSE_WAIT) {
> +               /* this flow was empty, accounted as a sparse flow, but 
> actually
> +                * in the bulk rotation.
> +                */
> +               flow->set = CAKE_SET_BULK;
> +               b->sparse_flow_count--;
> +               b->bulk_flow_count++;
> +       }
> +
> +       if (q->buffer_used > q->buffer_max_used)
> +               q->buffer_max_used = q->buffer_used;
> +
> +       if (q->buffer_used > q->buffer_limit) {
> +               u32 dropped = 0;
> +
> +               while (q->buffer_used > q->buffer_limit) {
> +                       dropped++;
> +                       cake_drop(sch, to_free);
> +               }
> +               b->drop_overlimit += dropped;
> +       }
> +       return NET_XMIT_SUCCESS;
> +}
> +
> +static struct sk_buff *cake_dequeue_one(struct Qdisc *sch)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct cake_tin_data *b = &q->tins[q->cur_tin];
> +       struct cake_flow *flow = &b->flows[q->cur_flow];
> +       struct sk_buff *skb = NULL;
> +       u32 len;
> +
> +       if (flow->head) {
> +               skb = dequeue_head(flow);
> +               len = qdisc_pkt_len(skb);
> +               b->backlogs[q->cur_flow] -= len;
> +               b->tin_backlog           -= len;
> +               sch->qstats.backlog      -= len;
> +               q->buffer_used           -= skb->truesize;
> +               sch->q.qlen--;
> +
> +               if (q->overflow_timeout)
> +                       cake_heapify(q, b->overflow_idx[q->cur_flow]);
> +       }
> +       return skb;
> +}
> +
> +/* Discard leftover packets from a tin no longer in use. */
> +static void cake_clear_tin(struct Qdisc *sch, u16 tin)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct sk_buff *skb;
> +
> +       q->cur_tin = tin;
> +       for (q->cur_flow = 0; q->cur_flow < CAKE_QUEUES; q->cur_flow++)
> +               while (!!(skb = cake_dequeue_one(sch)))
> +                       kfree_skb(skb);
> +}
> +
> +static struct sk_buff *cake_dequeue(struct Qdisc *sch)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct sk_buff *skb;
> +       struct cake_tin_data *b = &q->tins[q->cur_tin];
> +       struct cake_flow *flow;
> +       struct cake_host *srchost, *dsthost;
> +       struct list_head *head;
> +       u32 len;
> +       u16 host_load;
> +       cobalt_time_t now = ktime_get_ns();
> +       cobalt_time_t delay;
> +       bool first_flow = true;
> +
> +begin:
> +       if (!sch->q.qlen)
> +               return NULL;
> +
> +       /* global hard shaper */
> +       if (q->time_next_packet > now && q->failsafe_next_packet > now) {
> +               u64 next = min(q->time_next_packet, q->failsafe_next_packet);
> +
> +               sch->qstats.overlimits++;
> +               qdisc_watchdog_schedule_ns(&q->watchdog, next);
> +               return NULL;
> +       }
> +
> +       /* Choose a class to work on. */
> +       if (!q->rate_ns) {
> +               /* In unlimited mode, can't rely on shaper timings, just 
> balance
> +                * with DRR
> +                */
> +               while (b->tin_deficit < 0 ||
> +                      !(b->sparse_flow_count + b->bulk_flow_count)) {
> +                       if (b->tin_deficit <= 0)
> +                               b->tin_deficit += b->tin_quantum_band;
> +
> +                       q->cur_tin++;
> +                       b++;
> +                       if (q->cur_tin >= q->tin_cnt) {
> +                               q->cur_tin = 0;
> +                               b = q->tins;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       } else {
> +               /* In shaped mode, choose:
> +                * - Highest-priority tin with queue and meeting schedule, or
> +                * - The earliest-scheduled tin with queue.
> +                */
> +               int tin, best_tin = 0;
> +               s64 best_time = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFUL;
> +
> +               for (tin = 0; tin < q->tin_cnt; tin++) {
> +                       b = q->tins + tin;
> +                       if ((b->sparse_flow_count + b->bulk_flow_count) > 0) {
> +                               s64 tdiff = b->tin_time_next_packet - now;
> +
> +                               if (tdiff <= 0 || tdiff <= best_time) {
> +                                       best_time = tdiff;
> +                                       best_tin = tin;
> +                               }
> +                       }
> +               }
> +
> +               q->cur_tin = best_tin;
> +               b = q->tins + best_tin;
> +       }
> +
> +retry:
> +       /* service this class */
> +       head = &b->decaying_flows;
> +       if (!first_flow || list_empty(head)) {
> +               head = &b->new_flows;
> +               if (list_empty(head)) {
> +                       head = &b->old_flows;
> +                       if (unlikely(list_empty(head))) {
> +                               head = &b->decaying_flows;
> +                               if (unlikely(list_empty(head)))
> +                                       goto begin;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       }
> +       flow = list_first_entry(head, struct cake_flow, flowchain);
> +       q->cur_flow = flow - b->flows;
> +       first_flow = false;
> +
> +       /* triple isolation (modified DRR++) */
> +       srchost = &b->hosts[flow->srchost];
> +       dsthost = &b->hosts[flow->dsthost];
> +       host_load = 1;
> +
> +       if (cake_dsrc(q->flow_mode))
> +               host_load = max(host_load, srchost->srchost_refcnt);
> +
> +       if (cake_ddst(q->flow_mode))
> +               host_load = max(host_load, dsthost->dsthost_refcnt);
> +
> +       WARN_ON(host_load > CAKE_QUEUES);
> +
> +       /* flow isolation (DRR++) */
> +       if (flow->deficit <= 0) {
> +               /* The shifted prandom_u32() is a way to apply dithering to
> +                * avoid accumulating roundoff errors
> +                */
> +               flow->deficit += (b->flow_quantum * quantum_div[host_load] +
> +                                 (prandom_u32() >> 16)) >> 16;
> +               list_move_tail(&flow->flowchain, &b->old_flows);
> +
> +               /* Keep all flows with deficits out of the sparse and decaying
> +                * rotations.  No non-empty flow can go into the decaying
> +                * rotation, so they can't get deficits
> +                */
> +               if (flow->set == CAKE_SET_SPARSE) {
> +                       if (flow->head) {
> +                               b->sparse_flow_count--;
> +                               b->bulk_flow_count++;
> +                               flow->set = CAKE_SET_BULK;
> +                       } else {
> +                               /* we've moved it to the bulk rotation for
> +                                * correct deficit accounting but we still 
> want
> +                                * to count it as a sparse flow, not a bulk 
> one.
> +                                */
> +                               flow->set = CAKE_SET_SPARSE_WAIT;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +               goto retry;
> +       }
> +
> +       /* Retrieve a packet via the AQM */
> +       while (1) {
> +               skb = cake_dequeue_one(sch);
> +               if (!skb) {
> +                       /* this queue was actually empty */
> +                       if (cobalt_queue_empty(&flow->cvars, &b->cparams, 
> now))
> +                               b->unresponsive_flow_count--;
> +
> +                       if (flow->cvars.p_drop || flow->cvars.count ||
> +                           now < flow->cvars.drop_next) {
> +                               /* keep in the flowchain until the state has
> +                                * decayed to rest
> +                                */
> +                               list_move_tail(&flow->flowchain,
> +                                              &b->decaying_flows);
> +                               if (flow->set == CAKE_SET_BULK) {
> +                                       b->bulk_flow_count--;
> +                                       b->decaying_flow_count++;
> +                               } else if (flow->set == CAKE_SET_SPARSE ||
> +                                          flow->set == CAKE_SET_SPARSE_WAIT) 
> {
> +                                       b->sparse_flow_count--;
> +                                       b->decaying_flow_count++;
> +                               }
> +                               flow->set = CAKE_SET_DECAYING;
> +                       } else {
> +                               /* remove empty queue from the flowchain */
> +                               list_del_init(&flow->flowchain);
> +                               if (flow->set == CAKE_SET_SPARSE ||
> +                                   flow->set == CAKE_SET_SPARSE_WAIT)
> +                                       b->sparse_flow_count--;
> +                               else if (flow->set == CAKE_SET_BULK)
> +                                       b->bulk_flow_count--;
> +                               else
> +                                       b->decaying_flow_count--;
> +
> +                               flow->set = CAKE_SET_NONE;
> +                               srchost->srchost_refcnt--;
> +                               dsthost->dsthost_refcnt--;
> +                       }
> +                       goto begin;
> +               }
> +
> +               /* Last packet in queue may be marked, shouldn't be dropped */
> +               if (!cobalt_should_drop(&flow->cvars, &b->cparams, now, skb) 
> ||
> +                   !flow->head)
> +                       break;
> +
> +               b->tin_dropped++;
> +               qdisc_tree_reduce_backlog(sch, 1, qdisc_pkt_len(skb));
> +               qdisc_qstats_drop(sch);
> +               kfree_skb(skb);
> +       }
> +
> +       b->tin_ecn_mark += !!flow->cvars.ecn_marked;
> +       qdisc_bstats_update(sch, skb);
> +
> +       /* collect delay stats */
> +       delay = now - cobalt_get_enqueue_time(skb);
> +       b->avge_delay = cake_ewma(b->avge_delay, delay, 8);
> +       b->peak_delay = cake_ewma(b->peak_delay, delay,
> +                                 delay > b->peak_delay ? 2 : 8);
> +       b->base_delay = cake_ewma(b->base_delay, delay,
> +                                 delay < b->base_delay ? 2 : 8);
> +
> +       len = cake_advance_shaper(q, b, skb, now, false);
> +       flow->deficit -= len;
> +       b->tin_deficit -= len;
> +
> +       if (q->time_next_packet > now && sch->q.qlen) {
> +               u64 next = min(q->time_next_packet, q->failsafe_next_packet);
> +
> +               qdisc_watchdog_schedule_ns(&q->watchdog, next);
> +       } else if (!sch->q.qlen) {
> +               int i;
> +
> +               for (i = 0; i < q->tin_cnt; i++) {
> +                       if (q->tins[i].decaying_flow_count) {
> +                               u64 next = now + q->tins[i].cparams.target;
> +
> +                               qdisc_watchdog_schedule_ns(&q->watchdog, 
> next);
> +                               break;
> +                       }
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       if (q->overflow_timeout)
> +               q->overflow_timeout--;
> +
> +       return skb;
> +}
> +
> +static void cake_reset(struct Qdisc *sch)
> +{
> +       u32 c;
> +
> +       for (c = 0; c < CAKE_MAX_TINS; c++)
> +               cake_clear_tin(sch, c);
> +}
> +
> +static const struct nla_policy cake_policy[TCA_CAKE_MAX + 1] = {
> +       [TCA_CAKE_BASE_RATE]     = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_DIFFSERV_MODE] = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_ATM]           = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_FLOW_MODE]     = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_OVERHEAD]      = { .type = NLA_S32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_RTT]           = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_TARGET]        = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_AUTORATE]      = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_MEMORY]        = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_NAT]           = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_RAW]           = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_WASH]          = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_MPU]           = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_INGRESS]       = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +       [TCA_CAKE_ACK_FILTER]    = { .type = NLA_U32 },
> +};
> +
> +static void cake_set_rate(struct cake_tin_data *b, u64 rate, u32 mtu,
> +                         cobalt_time_t ns_target, cobalt_time_t rtt_est_ns)
> +{
> +       /* convert byte-rate into time-per-byte
> +        * so it will always unwedge in reasonable time.
> +        */
> +       static const u64 MIN_RATE = 64;
> +       u64 rate_ns = 0;
> +       u8  rate_shft = 0;
> +       cobalt_time_t byte_target_ns;
> +       u32 byte_target = mtu;
> +
> +       b->flow_quantum = 1514;
> +       if (rate) {
> +               b->flow_quantum = max(min(rate >> 12, 1514ULL), 300ULL);
> +               rate_shft = 32;
> +               rate_ns = ((u64)NSEC_PER_SEC) << rate_shft;
> +               do_div(rate_ns, max(MIN_RATE, rate));
> +               while (!!(rate_ns >> 32)) {
> +                       rate_ns >>= 1;
> +                       rate_shft--;
> +               }
> +       } /* else unlimited, ie. zero delay */
> +
> +       b->tin_rate_bps  = rate;
> +       b->tin_rate_ns   = rate_ns;
> +       b->tin_rate_shft = rate_shft;
> +
> +       byte_target_ns = (byte_target * rate_ns) >> rate_shft;
> +
> +       b->cparams.target = max((byte_target_ns * 3) / 2, ns_target);
> +       b->cparams.interval = max(rtt_est_ns +
> +                                    b->cparams.target - ns_target,
> +                                    b->cparams.target * 2);
> +       b->cparams.mtu_time = byte_target_ns;
> +       b->cparams.p_inc = 1 << 24; /* 1/256 */
> +       b->cparams.p_dec = 1 << 20; /* 1/4096 */
> +}
> +
> +static void cake_reconfigure(struct Qdisc *sch)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct cake_tin_data *b = &q->tins[0];
> +       int c, ft = 0;
> +
> +       q->tin_cnt = 1;
> +       cake_set_rate(b, q->rate_bps, psched_mtu(qdisc_dev(sch)),
> +                     US2TIME(q->target), US2TIME(q->interval));
> +       b->tin_quantum_band = 65535;
> +       b->tin_quantum_prio = 65535;
> +
> +       for (c = q->tin_cnt; c < CAKE_MAX_TINS; c++) {
> +               cake_clear_tin(sch, c);
> +               q->tins[c].cparams.mtu_time = q->tins[ft].cparams.mtu_time;
> +       }
> +
> +       q->rate_ns   = q->tins[ft].tin_rate_ns;
> +       q->rate_shft = q->tins[ft].tin_rate_shft;
> +
> +       if (q->buffer_config_limit) {
> +               q->buffer_limit = q->buffer_config_limit;
> +       } else if (q->rate_bps) {
> +               u64 t = (u64)q->rate_bps * q->interval;
> +
> +               do_div(t, USEC_PER_SEC / 4);
> +               q->buffer_limit = max_t(u32, t, 4U << 20);
> +       } else {
> +               q->buffer_limit = ~0;
> +       }
> +
> +       sch->flags &= ~TCQ_F_CAN_BYPASS;
> +
> +       q->buffer_limit = min(q->buffer_limit,
> +                             max(sch->limit * psched_mtu(qdisc_dev(sch)),
> +                                 q->buffer_config_limit));
> +}
> +
> +static int cake_change(struct Qdisc *sch, struct nlattr *opt,
> +                      struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct nlattr *tb[TCA_CAKE_MAX + 1];
> +       int err;
> +
> +       if (!opt)
> +               return -EINVAL;
> +
> +       err = nla_parse_nested(tb, TCA_CAKE_MAX, opt, cake_policy, extack);
> +       if (err < 0)
> +               return err;
> +
> +       if (tb[TCA_CAKE_BASE_RATE])
> +               q->rate_bps = nla_get_u32(tb[TCA_CAKE_BASE_RATE]);
> +
> +       if (tb[TCA_CAKE_FLOW_MODE])
> +               q->flow_mode = (nla_get_u32(tb[TCA_CAKE_FLOW_MODE]) &
> +                               CAKE_FLOW_MASK);
> +
> +       if (tb[TCA_CAKE_RTT]) {
> +               q->interval = nla_get_u32(tb[TCA_CAKE_RTT]);
> +
> +               if (!q->interval)
> +                       q->interval = 1;
> +       }
> +
> +       if (tb[TCA_CAKE_TARGET]) {
> +               q->target = nla_get_u32(tb[TCA_CAKE_TARGET]);
> +
> +               if (!q->target)
> +                       q->target = 1;
> +       }
> +
> +       if (tb[TCA_CAKE_MEMORY])
> +               q->buffer_config_limit = nla_get_u32(tb[TCA_CAKE_MEMORY]);
> +
> +       if (q->tins) {
> +               sch_tree_lock(sch);
> +               cake_reconfigure(sch);
> +               sch_tree_unlock(sch);
> +       }
> +
> +       return 0;
> +}
> +
> +static void cake_free(void *addr)
> +{
> +       if (addr)
> +               kvfree(addr);
> +}

Are you sure you have to check NULL for kvfree()?

> +
> +static void cake_destroy(struct Qdisc *sch)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +
> +       qdisc_watchdog_cancel(&q->watchdog);
> +
> +       if (q->tins)
> +               cake_free(q->tins);

Duplicated NULL check.

> +}
> +
> +static int cake_init(struct Qdisc *sch, struct nlattr *opt,
> +                    struct netlink_ext_ack *extack)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       int i, j;
> +
> +       sch->limit = 10240;
> +       q->tin_mode = CAKE_DIFFSERV_BESTEFFORT;
> +       q->flow_mode  = CAKE_FLOW_TRIPLE;
> +
> +       q->rate_bps = 0; /* unlimited by default */
> +
> +       q->interval = 100000; /* 100ms default */
> +       q->target   =   5000; /* 5ms: codel RFC argues
> +                              * for 5 to 10% of interval
> +                              */
> +
> +       q->cur_tin = 0;
> +       q->cur_flow  = 0;
> +
> +       if (opt) {
> +               int err = cake_change(sch, opt, extack);
> +
> +               if (err)
> +                       return err;

Not sure if you really want to reallocate q->tines below for this

> +       }
> +
> +       qdisc_watchdog_init(&q->watchdog, sch);
> +
> +       quantum_div[0] = ~0;
> +       for (i = 1; i <= CAKE_QUEUES; i++)
> +               quantum_div[i] = 65535 / i;
> +
> +       q->tins = kvzalloc(CAKE_MAX_TINS * sizeof(struct cake_tin_data),
> +                          GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_NOWARN);


> +       if (!q->tins)
> +               goto nomem;
> +
> +       for (i = 0; i < CAKE_MAX_TINS; i++) {
> +               struct cake_tin_data *b = q->tins + i;
> +
> +               INIT_LIST_HEAD(&b->new_flows);
> +               INIT_LIST_HEAD(&b->old_flows);
> +               INIT_LIST_HEAD(&b->decaying_flows);
> +               b->sparse_flow_count = 0;
> +               b->bulk_flow_count = 0;
> +               b->decaying_flow_count = 0;
> +
> +               for (j = 0; j < CAKE_QUEUES; j++) {
> +                       struct cake_flow *flow = b->flows + j;
> +                       u32 k = j * CAKE_MAX_TINS + i;
> +
> +                       INIT_LIST_HEAD(&flow->flowchain);
> +                       cobalt_vars_init(&flow->cvars);
> +
> +                       q->overflow_heap[k].t = i;
> +                       q->overflow_heap[k].b = j;
> +                       b->overflow_idx[j] = k;
> +               }
> +       }
> +
> +       cake_reconfigure(sch);
> +       q->avg_peak_bandwidth = q->rate_bps;
> +       q->min_netlen = ~0;
> +       q->min_adjlen = ~0;
> +       return 0;
> +
> +nomem:
> +       cake_destroy(sch);
> +       return -ENOMEM;
> +}
> +
> +static int cake_dump(struct Qdisc *sch, struct sk_buff *skb)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct nlattr *opts;
> +
> +       opts = nla_nest_start(skb, TCA_OPTIONS);
> +       if (!opts)
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_BASE_RATE, q->rate_bps))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_DIFFSERV_MODE, q->tin_mode))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_ATM, q->atm_mode))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_FLOW_MODE,
> +                       q->flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_MASK))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_NAT,
> +                       !!(q->flow_mode & CAKE_FLOW_NAT_FLAG)))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_SPLIT_GSO,
> +                       !!(q->rate_flags & CAKE_FLAG_SPLIT_GSO)))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_WASH,
> +                       !!(q->rate_flags & CAKE_FLAG_WASH)))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_OVERHEAD, q->rate_overhead))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_MPU, q->rate_mpu))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (!(q->rate_flags & CAKE_FLAG_OVERHEAD))
> +               if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_RAW, 0))
> +                       goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_RTT, q->interval))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_TARGET, q->target))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_AUTORATE,
> +                       !!(q->rate_flags & CAKE_FLAG_AUTORATE_INGRESS)))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_INGRESS,
> +                       !!(q->rate_flags & CAKE_FLAG_INGRESS)))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;

Is this used by a following patch? If so, please move it there.

> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_ACK_FILTER, q->ack_filter))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;


> +
> +       if (nla_put_u32(skb, TCA_CAKE_MEMORY, q->buffer_config_limit))
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +       return nla_nest_end(skb, opts);
> +
> +nla_put_failure:
> +       return -1;
> +}
> +
> +static int cake_dump_stats(struct Qdisc *sch, struct gnet_dump *d)
> +{
> +       struct cake_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
> +       struct nlattr *stats = nla_nest_start(d->skb, TCA_STATS_APP);
> +       struct nlattr *tstats, *ts;
> +       int i;
> +
> +       if (!stats)
> +               return -1;
> +
> +#define PUT_STAT_U32(attr, data) do {                                 \
> +               if (nla_put_u32(d->skb, TCA_CAKE_STATS_ ## attr, data)) \
> +                       goto nla_put_failure;                          \
> +       } while (0)
> +
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(CAPACITY_ESTIMATE, q->avg_peak_bandwidth);
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(MEMORY_LIMIT, q->buffer_limit);
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(MEMORY_USED, q->buffer_max_used);
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(AVG_NETOFF, ((q->avg_netoff + 0x8000) >> 16));
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(MAX_NETLEN, q->max_netlen);
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(MAX_ADJLEN, q->max_adjlen);
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(MIN_NETLEN, q->min_netlen);
> +       PUT_STAT_U32(MIN_ADJLEN, q->min_adjlen);
> +
> +#undef PUT_STAT_U32
> +
> +       tstats = nla_nest_start(d->skb, TCA_CAKE_STATS_TIN_STATS);
> +       if (!tstats)
> +               goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +#define PUT_TSTAT_U32(attr, data) do {                                 \
> +               if (nla_put_u32(d->skb, TCA_CAKE_TIN_STATS_ ## attr, data)) \
> +                       goto nla_put_failure;                           \
> +       } while (0)
> +#define PUT_TSTAT_U64(attr, data) do {                                 \
> +               if (nla_put_u64_64bit(d->skb, TCA_CAKE_TIN_STATS_ ## attr, \
> +                                       data, TCA_CAKE_TIN_STATS_PAD))  \
> +                       goto nla_put_failure;                           \
> +       } while (0)
> +
> +       for (i = 0; i < q->tin_cnt; i++) {
> +               struct cake_tin_data *b = &q->tins[i];
> +
> +               ts = nla_nest_start(d->skb, i + 1);
> +               if (!ts)
> +                       goto nla_put_failure;
> +
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(THRESHOLD_RATE, b->tin_rate_bps);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(TARGET_US, 
> cobalt_time_to_us(b->cparams.target));
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(INTERVAL_US,
> +                             cobalt_time_to_us(b->cparams.interval));
> +
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(SENT_PACKETS, b->packets);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U64(SENT_BYTES64, b->bytes);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(DROPPED_PACKETS, b->tin_dropped);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(ECN_MARKED_PACKETS, b->tin_ecn_mark);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U64(BACKLOG_BYTES64, b->tin_backlog);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(ACKS_DROPPED_PACKETS, b->ack_drops);
> +
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(PEAK_DELAY_US, 
> cobalt_time_to_us(b->peak_delay));
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(AVG_DELAY_US, cobalt_time_to_us(b->avge_delay));
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(BASE_DELAY_US, 
> cobalt_time_to_us(b->base_delay));
> +
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(WAY_INDIRECT_HITS, b->way_hits);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(WAY_MISSES, b->way_misses);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(WAY_COLLISIONS, b->way_collisions);
> +
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(SPARSE_FLOWS, b->sparse_flow_count +
> +                                          b->decaying_flow_count);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(BULK_FLOWS, b->bulk_flow_count);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(UNRESPONSIVE_FLOWS, b->unresponsive_flow_count);
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(MAX_SKBLEN, b->max_skblen);
> +
> +               PUT_TSTAT_U32(FLOW_QUANTUM, b->flow_quantum);
> +               nla_nest_end(d->skb, ts);
> +       }
> +
> +#undef PUT_TSTAT_U32
> +#undef PUT_TSTAT_U64
> +
> +       nla_nest_end(d->skb, tstats);
> +       return nla_nest_end(d->skb, stats);
> +
> +nla_put_failure:
> +       nla_nest_cancel(d->skb, stats);
> +       return -1;
> +}
> +
> +static struct Qdisc_ops cake_qdisc_ops __read_mostly = {
> +       .id             =       "cake",
> +       .priv_size      =       sizeof(struct cake_sched_data),
> +       .enqueue        =       cake_enqueue,
> +       .dequeue        =       cake_dequeue,
> +       .peek           =       qdisc_peek_dequeued,
> +       .init           =       cake_init,
> +       .reset          =       cake_reset,
> +       .destroy        =       cake_destroy,
> +       .change         =       cake_change,
> +       .dump           =       cake_dump,
> +       .dump_stats     =       cake_dump_stats,
> +       .owner          =       THIS_MODULE,
> +};
> +
> +static int __init cake_module_init(void)
> +{
> +       return register_qdisc(&cake_qdisc_ops);
> +}
> +
> +static void __exit cake_module_exit(void)
> +{
> +       unregister_qdisc(&cake_qdisc_ops);
> +}
> +
> +module_init(cake_module_init)
> +module_exit(cake_module_exit)
> +MODULE_AUTHOR("Jonathan Morton");

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