On 9/20/18 1:58 AM, Mike Manning wrote:
> Services currently have to be VRF-aware if they are using an unbound
> socket. One cannot have multiple service instances running in the
> default and other VRFs for services that are not VRF-aware and listen
> on an unbound socket. This is because there is no way of isolating
> packets received in the default VRF from those arriving in other VRFs.
> This series provides this isolation subject to the existing kernel
> parameter net.ipv4.tcp_l3mdev_accept not being set, given that this is
> documented as allowing a single service instance to work across all
> VRF domains. The functionality applies to UDP & TCP services, for IPv4
> and IPv6, in particular adding VRF table handling for IPv6 multicast.
> Example of running ssh instances in default and blue VRF:
> $ /usr/sbin/sshd -D
> $ ip vrf exec vrf-blue /usr/sbin/sshd
> $ ss -ta | egrep 'State|ssh'
> State   Recv-Q   Send-Q           Local Address:Port       Peer Address:Port
> LISTEN  0        128    *
> LISTEN  0        128             *
> ESTAB   0        0    
> LISTEN  0        128              [::]%vrf-blue:ssh                [::]:*
> LISTEN  0        128                       [::]:ssh                [::]:*
> ESTAB   0        0           [3000::2]%vrf-blue:ssh           [3000::9]:45896
> ESTAB   0        0                    [2000::2]:ssh           [2000::9]:46398

Hi Dave:

I need some time to review and more importantly test this patch set
before it is committed. I am traveling tomorrow afternoon through Sunday
evening, so I need a few days into next week to get to this.


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