The best way to achieve such balancing is to have the network card help
and essentially be able to select the CPU to notify while at the same
time considering:
a) avoiding any packet reordering - which restricts a flow to be
processed to a single CPU at least within a timeframe
b) be per-CPU-load-aware - which means to busy out only CPUs which are
less utilized

Various such schemes have been discussed here but no vendor is making
such nics today (search Daves Blog - he did discuss this at one point or

I thought that Neterion were doing something along those lines with their Xframe II NICs - perhaps not CPU loading aware, but doing stuff to spread the work of different connections across the CPUs.

I would add a:

c) some knowledge of the CPU on which the thread accessing the socket for that "connection" will run. This could be as simple as the CPU on which the socket was last accessed. Having a _NIC_ know this sort of thing is somewhat difficult and expensive (perhaps too much so). If a NIC simply hashes the connection idendifiers you then have the issue of different connections, each "owned/accessed" by one thread, taking different paths through the system. No issues about reordering, but perhaps some on cache lines going hither and yon.

The question boils down to - Should the application (via the scheduler) dictate where its connections are processed, or should the connections dictate where the application runs?

rick jones

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