also sprach Andy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.01.12.0752 +0100]:
> I saw somewhere (maybe in this mailing list a while ago) that
> there might be a  Linux Kernel Developers' Netconf conference  at
> 2008.

I think you may be mixing things up, and it may be my fault in ways.
I am developing netconf: I am
aware of the NETCONF protocol and have considered renaming my
project, but looking around, it seemed to me that NETCONF isn't
really all that active, and so I chose to keep the name. If people
think that wasn't wise, I'm willing to listen...

martin | |
"the only difference between the saint and the sinner
 is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
                                                        -- oscar wilde
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