Badalian Vyacheslav wrote:
Hello all. Have packetlost when do "tc qdisc del dev eth0 root".


slavon ~ # ping -f
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
60811 packets transmitted, 60544 received, 0% packet loss, time 39528ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.203/0.579/3227.655/13.124 ms, pipe 219, ipg/ewma 0.650/2.197 ms

Its normal?

Yes, packets in the old qdisc are lost.

Maybe if tc do changes - need create second queue (hash of rules or how you named it?) and do changes at it. Then replace old queue rules by created new.
Logic -
1. Do snapshot
2. Do changes in shapshot
3. All new packets go to snapshot
4. If old queue not have packets - delete it.
5. Snapshot its default.

That doesn't really work since qdiscs keep internal state that
in large parts depends on the packets queued. Take the qlen as
a simple example, the new qdisc doesn't know about the packets
in the old one and will exceed the limit.
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