On 01/10/2015 03:23, "a...@redhat.com" <a...@redhat.com> wrote:

>Adding Charles Garcia-Tobin from ARM....

Thanks and sorry for chiming in late. You¹ve pretty much said it all, but
I had some comments. First one, is that if folk want to see what¹s
happening with the DSD process, then please join the dsd mailing list and
read this posting :
[DSD] DSD v2

To me this thread reads like there is a lot of violent agreement on what
_DSD should not be used for, and on not breaking existing ACPI<->kernel
interfaces. This is good, and essentially what we tried to capture in the
_DSD review process. However, a lot of concern does remain on PRP0001. I
share the worry that PRP00001 facilitates ³thoughtless migration² of
existing DT to _DSD. I understand the need for porting, but above all ACPI
is an OS agnostic standard, and whilst PRP0001 does provide porting
convenience, I don¹t think we should be looking at it in ACPI circles
unless we had wider agreement among OSs to use it. AFAIK PRP00001 has not
actually been approved yet in the specification forum, and that it in
itself is more of a concern for me, as the code has been pushed upstream.
I guess it¹s up to Catalin, but disabling for ARM seems like a good idea
right now, another option is to add tests to FWTS.



>On 09/25/2015 09:28 AM, Catalin Marinas wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 07:10:38PM +0100, David Woodhouse wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2015-09-24 at 16:15 +0100, Catalin Marinas wrote:
>>>> With "PRP0001", they can skip the _DSD properties review process (not
>>>> that they bother much currently) as long as the existing DT support
>>>> covers their needs.
>>> So no change there then. I take it the smsc911x bindings didn't go
>>> through this mythical _DSD properties review process either, right?
>> Right. And that's another reason I disagree with this patchset (I don't
>> always agree with everything that's coming out of ARM Ltd ;)).
>> Now, in Jeremy's defence, this _DSD process looks quite mythical indeed.
>> We had an ARM firmware ecosystem meeting earlier this year where we
>> agreed to set up such process (at least for the ARM world):
>> https://wiki.linaro.org/LEG/Engineering/Kernel/ACPI/CoreUpstreamNotes
>> I can see some form of a process here:
>> http://www.uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/web-page-v2.pdf
>> But, at least to me, it's not clear how you submit properties to such
>> registry, what's the review process, who are the reviewers. I know there
>> was a mailing list set up but I don't see it listed above.
>To repeat Rafael a bit, getting the process set up -- moving it from the
>mythical to the practical -- is taking longer than expected.  Some folks
>that had agreed to do so made no progress at all for many months, but I
>was way too polite and waited for something to happen.
>So, it turns out I'm impatient at times.  This _DSD stuff is bugging me
>the itch needs scratching.  And, it absolutely affects ACPI on ARM servers
>so it has my interest.  I have thrown out some basic proposals, and in
>conjunction with the ASWG (ACPI Spec Working Group of UEFI), Rafael, and
>Charles, we're trying to get some things decided and moving.
>Here is where I think we are:
>   -- We have defined a very clear boundary between ASWG and the
>      of _DSD device properties.  The bottom line is that all device
>      definition is outside the scope of the ASWG; the ASWG has defined
>      structure they must take in ASL, but the actual content of any _DSD
>      we can discuss and define in public forums without having to concern
>      ourselves about the spec in any way.  This was an essential step in
>      order to make IP rules clear.
>   -- There is a mailing list set up (d...@acpica.org), originally set up
>      the starting point for a review process.  I have recently started up
>      some discussion there on what needs to be submitted.  I will soon be
>      posting updates to the discussion to lay out proposed review
>      and the proposed formalisms to be used in describing device
>      for review.  Please subscribe and read the archives (not very large)
>      that can be found here:
>      In the meantime, device property definition review can start
>      on the d...@acpica.org list with the caveat that process is still
>      defined.  At least if things are put in the email archive, we've
>got a
>      starting point.
>   -- Unfortunately, the material currently on the UEFI site about _DSD
>      than its definition) should be ignored -- it reflects much earlier
>      and was incomplete to begin with.  I wrote what's there and have no
>      in saying it is now inadequate.  This is being corrected but it
>needs to
>      go through ASWG to be fixed.
>   -- An initial draft of a proposal for a metalanguage for describing and
>      storing device properties has been under review.  I'm working out
>v2 of
>      this formalism.  This will allow us to document the device
>properties in
>      a reliable way, and build a repository of the definitions that is
>      shared.
>   -- What documentation/proposals we do have I have stashed in github.
>      see https://github.com/ahs3/dsd/tree/v-next/ for the work in
>What needs to happen next?
>   -- First, finalize the review process (discussion on d...@apcica.org).
>   -- Second, finalize the reviewers (discussion on dsd@).
>   -- Third, but in parallel, finalize formalisms for describing device
>      properties and build the tools needs to validate them, store them,
>      maintain them, and store them for public consumption (discussion
>      also on dsd@).
>   -- Make a couple of decisions (see below...)
>>>>  However, we don't want to emulate DT in ACPI but > first try the
>>>> established ACPI methods and only use _DSD where these are
>>>> insufficient. Automatically converting existing drivers and
>>>> people to use "PRP0001" does not provide them with any incentive to
>>>> harder and learn the "ACPI way".
>>> But again, we're *not* looking at a simplistic transliteration of
>>> properties.
>> I know you and I don't look at it this way but, based on historical
>> evidence, I'm sure that some ARM vendors will try to do exactly this
>> (and be able to claim "ACPI support" when they were happily using DT).
>Based on the discussion so far, I think everyone is agreeing that we
>do NOT want to just blindly reproduce DT using _DSD properties.  Is that
>a fair statement?
>>>>> In some ways, your proposal would be actively *counterproductive*.
>>>>> say you want to train people *not* to keep patching the kernel. But
>>>>> where they *could* have just used PRP0001 and used a pre-existing
>>>>> kernel, you then tell them "oh, but now you need to patch the kernel
>>>>> because we want you to make up a new HID and not be compatible with
>>>>> what already exists."
>>>> I gave an example above with the clocks but let's take a simpler,
>>>> device-specific property like "smsc,irq-active-high". Is this
>>>> anywhere apart from the kernel driver and the in-kernel DT
>>>> No. Are other non-Linux OS vendors going to look in the kernel source
>>>> tree to implement support in their drivers? I doubt it and we could
>>>> up with two different paths in firmware for handling the same device.
>>>> ACPI probably never was truly OS agnostic but with "PRP0001" we don't
>>>> even try.
>>> Where is the documentation for the INT_CFG_IRQ_POL_ bit in the INT_CFG
>>> register, that it controls? The documentation on the bindings really
>>> ought to live near that, in an ideal world.
>> If not there, at least in some common place like this:
>> http://www.uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/nic-request-v2.pdf
>> And they could be specific to a newly allocated HID (like we do with DT
>> for a newly allocated "compatible" string).
>A common location has some other rules, too: (1) people from Microsoft
>or other OS vendors (e.g., BSDs) need to be able to easily access it,
>and (2) firmware developers needs to be able to easily find it and use
>it.  My thinking today is that I can (and will) set up a repository in
>the github I'm using that will contain a human readable formal description
>of all the approved device properties.  Further (thanks to Mark Brown for
>the idea), there needs to be a second repository co-located with the first
>that contains device properties discovered in the wild but never
>I'll even offer to maintain these repositories for the time being, until
>we as a community decide on something better.
>>> But that's still a non-sequitur in the context of this particular
>>> discussion. The patch that was posted *already* keeps that very same
>>> (optional) smsc,irq-active-high property.
>>> Again, it isn't relevant to the question of whether the driver is
>>> matched via PRP0001 or a newly-allocated HID.
>>> The driver, as the patch was posted, *does* have the same set of
>>> properties with the same meanings ‹ because anything else would be
>>> insane.
>> Having the same set of properties makes sense. But not documenting them
>> outside of Documentation/devicetree/bindings/ doesn't look right to me,
>> from an OS-agnostic ACPI perspective.
>> Let's take it the other way. A new driver is being submitted to Linux
>> (or another OS) with support for ACPI (only). The developers may find it
>> easier to use PRP0001 with their own _DSD invention. Do we ask the
>> developers to submit DT bindings even if they don't immediately target
>> DT (even harder if Linux is not the first target)? Or we skip this
>> properties review and documenting process altogether? At least with DT,
>> we usually see the bindings and kernel code together and have a chance
>> to NAK. For _DSD we need something outside the Linux kernel community.
>> But I agree with your statement above, it's not relevant whether a new
>> _HID is used or PRP0001 + "compatible" when we don't even control which
>> _DSD properties are added.
>> As I said previously, disabling PRP0001 on ARM is more of a weak method
>> of keeping track of which drivers are used with ACPI. My concern (and it
>> won't go away) is a thoughtless migration of existing DT drivers and ARM
>> SoCs to ACPI. PRP0001 makes it easier though it's _DSD actually
>> facilitating this.
>I have to agree with Catalin here.  I was on the ASWG when _DSD was
>and when PRP0001 was proposed and they seemed reasonable at the time.
>the more I think about PRP0001, the more I think I dislike it.  It allows
>short-circuiting any sort of review about device properties in the
>regardless of whether they support DT or ACPI or both -- and people will
>the path of least resistance given any choice at all.
>>>> Apart from a _DSD properties review process, what we need is (main) OS
>>>> vendors enforcing it, possibly with stricter ACPI test suite.
>>>> PRP0001 for ARM wouldn't solve the problem but at least it would make
>>>> people think about what _DSD properties they need registered for their
>>>> device (or I'm over optimistic and I should just stop caring ;)).
>It's not foolproof, but if we disallow PRP0001 we might be able to
>some sort of review to occur before code gets dropped into the kernel
>it will need to be maintained forever.
>So, here's another decision point: do we disallow the use of PRP0001 for
>properties on ARMv8 servers using ACPI?  And should other architectures
>be able
>to do as they wish with PRP0001?  The previous discussion seems to say
>"yes" to
>both questions, correct?
>>> I'm all for requiring pre-existing DT bindings to be "vetted" by the
>>> nascent _DSD review process, before their use with PRP0001 can be
>>> 'blessed'.
>> If we want something enforced here, we need a better methodology than
>> keeping track of which patches are submitted (and this would involve OS
>> vendors support since in many cases their kernels are seen as the
>> "canonical" implementation).
>Agreed.  This is what Charles, Rafael and I have started discussing on the
>d...@acpica.org mailing list.  I have proposed a formalism for describing
>properties (actively being revised) and we have some basic process
>being discussed.  More voices are needed; we're just starting to get
>moving after they've been in stasis so long.
>While I cannot speak for Red Hat as a whole, for myself I really want for
>to be a single place I can go to where I can find out which device
>are actually defined, which are not, and to be able to point to when some
>bit of hardware or firmware decides to do something completely different
>breaks my OS.  Help Charles, Rafael and I define the vetting process and
>things to be vetted and I think we can have a decent methodology in place.
>>> But in a world where people *are* going to go off and do their own
>>> insane thing, we really might as well let them use the *same* thing
>>> that we already had ‹ in as many cases as possible ‹ rather than
>>> actually *making* them come up with a new insane thing all of their
>>> very own.
>> This only works as long as they target an existing driver with prior DT
>> support (usually with reviewed bindings). If they have a new driver and
>> only ACPI in mind, I'm pretty sure we'll end up with new insane things.
>> That's why we need some form of _DSD properties review and "compatible"
>> is one such property.
>Again, based on the emails so far, it seems everyone is agreeing that we
>need a review process, and that we need to make sure we don't accept
>into the kernel that has not been reviewed; it won't fix everything, but
>at least gives us a fighting chance.  Any disagreement with that?
>Al Stone
>Software Engineer
>Red Hat, Inc.

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