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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: VLANs on Cisco switches (Mark Cooper)
   2. Netdisco 2 - SSHCollector (Edward Vopata)
   3. Discovering Rugged Switches (Steven Xu)
   4. Re: Discovering Rugged Switches (Andy Ruhl)
   5. Problem with discover on a HP ProCurve J8773A 4208vl (Jon Gerdes)
--- Begin Message ---
I concur.  I have the same after upgrading to latest ver plus a disco all.

Mark Cooper

On Tuesday, September 01, 2015 04:27:17 PM Cardinal-Richards, Emma wrote:
> > On 2015-09-01 16:26, Caines, Max wrote:
> > > In fact I didn't mean that it doesn't show the data VLAN. On our
> > > switches it does, in the Native VALN column, but some emails to the
> > > list said that the voice VLAN (a Cisco eccentricity) would now show
> > > up
> > > in the "VLAN Membership" column, which on ours it doesn't
> > 
> > Yes, the voice VLAN should be merged into the VLAN membership column in
> > recent releases. We'll need to look into why this isn't happening for
> > you but I just wanted to quickly reply to confirm the intention at
> > least!
> I am finding it somewhat hit and miss as to whether VLAN membership does show 
> any voice vlan, and for some trunk ports it's only showing a couple of the 
> VLANs out of the say 15 that might be configured.  Haven't yet seen a 
> correlation between IOS versions or models of Cisco equipment.
> Regards,
> Emma
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Netdisco mailing list

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---

I have a variety of firewall devices including Cisco PIX, Cisco ASA, and Palo
Alto firewalls, something in the order of 400 firewall devices.  The
SSHCollector functionality looks like a good way to get the firewall ARP data
into Netdisco, however the configuration does not scale.

Would it be possible to have the SSHCollector call an external program
that could would provide the appropriate SSHCollector data?

For example, the SSHCollector could be told to call a "fw_list" script that
returns a list of ( $platform, $hostname, $user, $password, $enable_password )
tuples, then the SSHCollector would operate on that tuple.

    -- Ed Vopata

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Hi,

It seems as though Netdisco isn't able to discover Rugged switches. Has anyone had experience with setting up Netdisco to discover Rugged RS900GP switches?


--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Post the output of netdisco-do discover -d <ip address> here.

I'm assuming the switch is set up to listen for SNMP?


On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 6:55 AM, Steven Xu <> wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems as though Netdisco isn't able to discover Rugged switches. Has
> anyone had experience with setting up Netdisco to discover Rugged RS900GP
> switches?
> Steven
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> _______________________________________________
> Netdisco mailing list

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Dear all

I have a problem when running discover on a HP switch with Netdisco
2.033001.  I get the following error:

info discover: status error: error running job: Can't call method
"within" on an undefined value
at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Core/ line 742, line 742:

      if ($remote_ip eq '' or
          $remote_ipad->within(NetAddr::IP::Lite->new(''))) {

I have tried running discover-do from the command line with -DIQ and it
doesn't show anything that looks wrong to me apart from the above error
when it seems to have finished (see below)

Any help gratefully received


netdisco@mon:~/bin$ ./netdisco-do discover -d -DIQ
SELECT me.version, me.installed 
  FROM dbix_class_schema_versions me 
WHERE 1 = 0
SELECT me.version 
  FROM dbix_class_schema_versions me 
ORDER BY installed DESC 
  LIMIT '1'
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation 
  FROM device_ip me 
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.ports, me.mac,
me.serial, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status,
me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log,
me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.vtp_domain,
me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, to_char( last_arpnip,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ),
to_char( last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_discover ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp
'epoch' + uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01
00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' ) 
  FROM device me 
WHERE me.ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:17  info discover: started at Fri Sep  4
13:20:17 2015
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation 
  FROM device_ip me 
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.ports, me.mac,
me.serial, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status,
me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log,
me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.vtp_domain,
me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, to_char( last_arpnip,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ),
to_char( last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_discover ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp
'epoch' + uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01
00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' ) 
  FROM device me 
WHERE me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.snmp_comm_rw, me.snmp_auth_tag 
  FROM community me 
WHERE me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation 
  FROM device_ip me 
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.ports, me.mac,
me.serial, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status,
me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log,
me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.vtp_domain,
me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, to_char( last_arpnip,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ),
to_char( last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_discover ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp
'epoch' + uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01
00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' ) 
  FROM device me 
WHERE me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation 
  FROM device_ip me 
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.ports, me.mac,
me.serial, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status,
me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log,
me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.vtp_domain,
me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, to_char( last_arpnip,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ),
to_char( last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_discover ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp
'epoch' + uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01
00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' ) 
  FROM device me 
WHERE me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation 
  FROM device_ip me 
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime,,, me.location, me.layers, me.ports, me.mac,
me.serial, me.model, me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status,
me.ps2_status,, me.slots, me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log,
me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm, me.snmp_class, me.vtp_domain,
me.last_discover, me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, to_char( last_arpnip,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ),
to_char( last_macsuck, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_discover ) ), extract( epoch 
      FROM age( now(  ), last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp
'epoch' + uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01
00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' ) 
  FROM device me 
WHERE me.ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:17 debug [] try_connect with ver: 2,
class: SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP, comm: <hidden>
SNMP::Info::_global uptime :
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance : .
SNMP::Info::_global layers :
SNMPv2-MIB::sysServices.0 : .
SELECT me.ip, me.snmp_comm_rw, me.snmp_auth_tag 
  FROM community me 
WHERE me.ip = ''
SNMP::Info::_global description :
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global id : SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 : .
SNMP::Info 3.28
SNMP::Info::device_type() layers:01001010 id:11 sysDescr:"ProCurve
J8773A Switch 4208vl, revision L.11.09, ROM L.10.03
SNMP::Info::_load_attr ip_index :
IP-MIB::ipAdEntIfIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_index : IF-MIB::ifIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_description :
IF-MIB::ifDescr : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr ip_netmask :
IP-MIB::ipAdEntNetMask : .
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:17 debug  [] device - aliased as
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:17 debug  resolving 1 aliases with max 50
outstanding requests
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(vtp_d_name) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_global contact :
SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global name : SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global location :
SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global ports : IF-MIB::ifNumber.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global mac :
NETSWITCH-MIB::hpSwitchBaseMACAddress.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ps1_type) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(ps2_type) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_load_attr hp_s_oid :
HP-ICF-CHASSIS::hpicfSensorObjectId : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr hp_s_name :
HP-ICF-CHASSIS::hpicfSensorDescr : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr hp_s_status :
HP-ICF-CHASSIS::hpicfSensorStatus : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_name :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalName : .
SNMP::Info::_global os_version :
NETSWITCH-MIB::hpSwitchOsVersion.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_global serial1 :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalSerialNum.1 : .
DELETE FROM device_ip 
WHERE ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:17 debug  [] device - removed 1
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
UPDATE device 
  SET last_discover = now(  ), uptime = '314758028' 
WHERE ip = ''
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_ip( alias, dns, ip, port, subnet ) 
  VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) : '__BULK_INSERT__'
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:17 debug  [] device - added 1 new
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_type : IF-MIB::ifType : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_ignore) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_mtu : IF-MIB::ifMtu : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr orig_i_speed :
IF-MIB::ifSpeed : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_mac :
IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_up :
IF-MIB::ifOperStatus : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_up_admin :
IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_alias :
IF-MIB::ifAlias : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_map :
ENTITY-MIB::entAliasMappingIdentifier : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr mau_index :
MAU-MIB::ifMauIfIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr mau_link :
MAU-MIB::ifMauType : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr hp_duplex_admin :
CONFIG-MIB::hpSwitchPortFastEtherMode : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr bp_index :
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dBasePortIfIndex : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr stp_p_state :
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dStpPortState : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_i_vlan :
Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qPvid : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr i_lastchange :
IF-MIB::ifLastChange : .
Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method
SNMP::Info::Layer2::HP::agg_ports_ifstack() is deprecated
at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/SNMP/Info/Layer2/ line 552.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr ifStackStatus :
IF-MIB::ifStackStatus : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr ifType : IF-MIB::ifType : .
SNMP::Info::_global load_uptime :
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance : .
SNMP::Info::_global snmpEngineTime :
SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpEngineTime.0 : .
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18  info  [] interfaces - device
uptime wrapped (B6) - correcting
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C10, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A19, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B21, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B16, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C7, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B19, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A15, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C3, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B12, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C11, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B14, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C24, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B1, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C5, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C22, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A13, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C20, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C2, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B4, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A20, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A17, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B11, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A5, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A14, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B2, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C16, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C1, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A22, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B18, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C18, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C12, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C9, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B9, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C15, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C23, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for H2, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B20, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A23, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A4, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B13, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for B8, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for C13, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for H3, assuming sysUptime wrap
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - correcting
LastChange for A12, assuming sysUptime wrap
DELETE FROM device_port_power 
WHERE ip IN ( 
    SELECT me.ip 
      FROM device_port me 
    WHERE me.ip = ''
DELETE FROM device_port_vlan 
WHERE ip IN ( 
    SELECT me.ip 
      FROM device_port me 
    WHERE me.ip = ''
DELETE FROM device_port_wireless 
WHERE ip IN ( 
    SELECT me.ip 
      FROM device_port me 
    WHERE me.ip = ''
DELETE FROM device_port_ssid 
WHERE ip IN ( 
    SELECT me.ip 
      FROM device_port me 
    WHERE me.ip = ''
DELETE FROM device_port 
WHERE ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - removed 74
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
UPDATE device 
  SET uptime = '4609725399' 
WHERE ip = ''
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_port( descr, duplex, duplex_admin, ip, is_master,
lastchange, mac, mtu, name, port, pvid, slave_of, speed, stp, type, up,
up_admin, vlan ) 
  VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) :
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] interfaces - added 74
new interfaces
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_ssidlist) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_load_attr v_name :
Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanStaticName : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr qb_cv_egress :
Q-BRIDGE-MIB::dot1qVlanCurrentEgressPorts : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(i_vlan_type) Unable to resolve
DELETE FROM device_vlan 
WHERE ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] vlans - removed 1 device
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_vlan( description, ip, last_discover, vlan ) 
  VALUES( ?, ?, now(  ), ? ) : '__BULK_INSERT__'
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] vlans - added 1 new
device VLANs
DELETE FROM device_port_vlan 
WHERE ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] vlans - removed 0 port
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_port_vlan( ip, last_discover, native, port, vlan,
vlantype ) 
  VALUES( ?, now(  ), ?, ?, ?, ? ) : '__BULK_INSERT__'
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] vlans - added 1 new port
SNMP::Info::_load_attr peth_power_watts :
POWER-ETHERNET-MIB::pethMainPsePower : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr peth_power_status :
POWER-ETHERNET-MIB::pethMainPseOperStatus : .
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] power - 0 power modules
SNMP::Info::_load_attr entPhysicalDescr :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_descr :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalDescr : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_type :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalVendorType : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_parent :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalContainedIn : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_class :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalClass : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_pos :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalParentRelPos : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_hwver :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalHardwareRev : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_fwver :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalFirmwareRev : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_swver :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalSoftwareRev : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_model :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalModelName : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_serial :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalSerialNum : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr e_fru :
ENTITY-MIB::entPhysicalIsFRU : .
DELETE FROM device_module 
WHERE ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] modules - removed 99
chassis modules
SAVEPOINT savepoint_0
INSERT INTO device_module( class, description, fru, fw_ver, hw_ver,
index, ip, last_discover, model, name, parent, pos, serial, sw_ver, type
  VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, now(  ), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) :
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] modules - added 99 new
chassis modules
UPDATE device_port 
  SET manual_topo = false 
WHERE ip = ''
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:18 debug  [] neigh - setting manual
topology links
SELECT me.dev1, me.port1, me.dev2, me.port2 
  FROM topology me 
WHERE dev1 = '' OR dev2 = ''
SNMP::Info::_global lldp_sys_cap :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocSysCapEnabled.0 : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_global cdp_run :
CISCO-CDP-MIB::cdpGlobalRun.0 : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rman_addr :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemManAddrIfSubtype : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr cdp_addr :
CISCO-CDP-MIB::cdpCacheAddress : .
SNMP::Info::_load_attr cdp_proto :
CISCO-CDP-MIB::cdpCacheAddressType : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_pid :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemPortId : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(185) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(47) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(44) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(184) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(13) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(183) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(1) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(75) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(23) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldpLocPortDesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpLocPortDesc(30) : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(cdp_index : 
. Not accessable for requested operation.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_desc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemPortDesc : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_pid_type :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemPortIdSubtype : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_sysdesc :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemSysDesc : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr cdp_port :
CISCO-CDP-MIB::cdpCacheDevicePort : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_id_type :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemChassisIdSubtype : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_id :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemChassisId : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr cdp_dev_id :
CISCO-CDP-MIB::cdpCacheDeviceId : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_sysname :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemSysName : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr cdp_platform :
CISCO-CDP-MIB::cdpCachePlatform : .
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasSONMP) Unable to resolve
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasFDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasEDP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_validate_autoload_method(hasAMAP) Unable to resolve method.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr lldp_rem_cap_spt :
LLDP-MIB::lldpRemSysCapSupported : .1.0.8802.
SNMP::Info::_load_attr cdp_capabilities_raw :
CISCO-CDP-MIB::cdpCacheCapabilities : .
SELECT me.ip, me.port, me.creation, me.descr, me.up, me.up_admin,
me.type, me.duplex, me.duplex_admin, me.speed,, me.mac, me.mtu,
me.stp, me.remote_ip, me.remote_port, me.remote_type, me.remote_id,
me.is_master, me.slave_of, me.manual_topo, me.is_uplink, me.vlan,
me.pvid, me.lastchange 
  FROM device_port me 
WHERE ip = '' AND port = 'A1'
UPDATE device_port 
  SET remote_type = '1920-24G Switch Software Version 5.20.99, Release
1105Copyright(c)2010-2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.' 
WHERE ip = '' AND port = 'A1'
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:19  info discover: finished at Fri Sep  4
13:20:19 2015
[12675] 2015-09-04 12:20:19  info discover: status error: error running
job: Can't call method "within" on an undefined value
at /home/netdisco/perl5/lib/perl5/App/Netdisco/Core/ line

--- End Message ---
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