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Thanks for the tip but it didn't seem to work even though the regex seems
ok from what I can tell.
Running a discover in debug mode I get (obfuscated):
[2598] 2021-08-10 16:29:50 debug [] neigh - with ID
[aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff] on GigabitEthernet1/0/1
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation
FROM device_ip me
WHERE me.alias = '' AND me.ip = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.alias, me.subnet, me.port, me.dns, me.creation
FROM device_ip me
WHERE alias = ''
SELECT me.ip, me.creation, me.dns, me.description, me.uptime, me.contact,
me.name, me.location, me.layers, me.num_ports, me.mac, me.serial, me.model,
me.ps1_type, me.ps2_type, me.ps1_status, me.ps2_status, me.fan, me.slots,
me.vendor, me.os, me.os_ver, me.log, me.snmp_ver, me.snmp_comm,
me.snmp_class, me.snmp_engineid, me.vtp_domain, me.last_discover,
me.last_macsuck, me.last_arpnip, to_char( me.creation, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'
), to_char( me.last_arpnip, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char(
me.last_discover, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), to_char( me.last_macsuck,
'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI' ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.creation ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_arpnip ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_discover ) ), extract( epoch
FROM age( now( ), me.last_macsuck ) ), replace( age( timestamp
'epoch' + me.uptime / 100 * interval '1 second', timestamp '1970-01-01
00:00:00-00' ) ::text, 'mon', 'month' )
FROM device me
WHERE me.ip = ''
UPDATE device_port
SET is_uplink = true, manual_topo = false, remote_id =
'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff', remote_ip = '10.1.0210', remote_port = 'bond0',
remote_type = 'ArubaOS (MODEL: 315), Version Aruba AP'
WHERE ip = '' AND port = 'GigabitEthernet1/0/1'
SELECT me.ip, me.port, me.creation, me.descr, me.up, me.up_admin, me.type,
me.duplex, me.duplex_admin, me.speed, me.speed_admin, me.name, me.mac,
me.mtu, me.stp, me.remote_ip, me.remote_port, me.remote_type, me.remote_id,
me.is_master, me.slave_of, me.manual_topo, me.is_uplink, me.vlan, me.pvid,
FROM device_port me
WHERE me.ip = '' AND me.port = 'GigabitEthernet1/0/1'
My understanding is that this should show a "matches wap_platforms" message
like I get for phones (which do show the telephone icon).
I think the device is returning the capabilities properly - here's the
0.1.313 [
[0] "bridge",
[1] "wlanAccessPoint"
c_platforms return:
0.1.313 "ArubaOS (MODEL: 315), Version Aruba AP",
I added the following to deployments.yml:
- '(?i:.*Aruba\sAP$)'
- '(?i:wlanAccessPoint)'
More than the icon, I'd love to be able to search by the AP name: Here's
the LLDP info:
Chassis id: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
Port id: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
Port Description: bond0
System Name: Test_AP
System Description:
ArubaOS (MODEL: 315), Version Aruba AP
Thanks in advance - Ricardo.
On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 1:40 AM Nick Nauwelaerts <
nick.nauwelae...@aquafin.be> wrote:
> wap_platforms seems to be a regular expression list, so the brackets could
> be causing an issue.
> on the top of my head i would change it to something like
> '(?i:.*Aruba\sAP$)'
> other issue could be that the ap is not returning the required
> cpd/lldp/etc info:
> https://github.com/netdisco/netdisco/wiki/Configuration#wap_capabilities
> // nick
> *From:* Ricardo Stella <ste...@rider.edu>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 4, 2021 21:56
> *To:* netdisco-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [Netdisco] wap_platforms and phone_platforms
> Figure I ask before reinventing the wheel. Our Aruba APs don't seem to be
> recognized as access points. They only show a device is inaccessible
> icon. No entries for discover_waps so default of true should be in effect.
> For example, c_platform returns "ArubaOS (MODEL: 315), Version Aruba AP"
> Tried adding the whole string to test to deployment.yml but doesn't seem
> to work:
> wap_platforms:
> - 'ArubaOS (MODEL: 315), Version Aruba AP'
> Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.
> --
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