
I am writing options to the unclean module, so that we can:
-m unclean --tcp, -m unclean ! --udp, etc.

I have the kernelspace additions written.
The userspace libipt_unclean.c need rewriting, and here i come across a
i do not know what all the functions and variables there mean.
like, flags, nfcache, invert, check_invert.

I have been browsing through the other modules, and i think i know what
flags and parse function does. But i would like some comments on how
should this be written.

As of now i am able to write it so it accepts options, but not inverted.
In a nutshell, i want it to accept:
--ip         matches all ip checks
--ip-check1  matches ip check1

--tcp        matches all tcp chceck
--tcp-check1 matches tcp check1


Also if I knew how to do this i would be able to finish it before feature
freeze announced by Harald.

Best Regards,
Maciej Soltysiak

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