On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 01:46:28PM -0700, Don Cohen wrote:
> I had mentioned that I was hoping to remember/find the appropriate
> formula for the probability of a hash bucket reaching its limit.
> I got out my prob-stat book from I-won't-mention-how-many years ago.

[thanks for your detailad analysis, I will try to look at all the
details ASAP].

> My guess is that the amount of time required to do 20 iterations
> comparing connection data with elements of a list in a bucket is
> very small compared to the amount of time otherwise spent on a
> packet.  On the other hand, a hash bucket is also pretty cheap.
> The data for a connection takes much more space than 2 hash buckets, 
> or even 10.  And with 10L buckets the chance of overflow at M=10
> is only 1E-19, for M=20 it's somewhere around 1E-40.

ok the question is now to test this in the real world, which can be
fairly easily done, as the hashsize is configurable.

> So, there you have it.

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- Harald Welte / [EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.gnumonks.org/
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