I've seen numerous references to percieved problems with default
timeouts and potential DoS attacks on ip_conntrack but I'm starting to
think is possible to ip_conntrack just to miss connection closures.

I'm running on a memory constrained machine (28Mb Physical RAM) which
shouldn't prove too problamatic as I'm only on a DSL connection. I've
been running a Freenet node on my internal machine with the appropraite
port forwarding magic with iptables. The problem I'm seeing is a slow
climb in the number of connections until it reaches saturation and
connectivity becomes very dicey (so I now open a ssh shell to my gateway
box before I do anything, just to ensure I can still talk to it).

The one piece of evidence that makes me suspicious of ip_conntracks
ability to detect connection tear down is the disparity between the
numbers I get from the gateway box to what I get on my internal box

cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack | wc -l

give 1688 connections

internal box:

netstat -t | wc -l

gives 41 connections

I eyeballed the ip_conntrack output and all the connections tracked are
Freenet connections so I'm discounting other server connections like web
etc as in the minority. Once I stop freenet the count stays quite
static, I hope it will of cleared down once I get back to my box this
afternoon but I assume this is due to the long timeouts on closing TCP

A few questions:

a) Am I measuring things correctly?
b) Should the number of connections on ip_conntrack be broadly the same
as the internal machines understanding of connections (netstat output)?
c) Has this come up before? 
d) Are there any patches I could try that alter ipconntracks end of
connection heuristics?



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