On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 07:22:39PM +0100, Florian Westphal wrote:
> Sergei Trofimovich reported that restoring an nft ruleset doesn't work
> anymore unless old rule content is flushed first.
> The problem stems from a recent change designed to prevent multiple nat
> hooks at the same hook point locations and nftables transaction model.
> A 'flush ruleset' won't take effect until the entire transaction has
> completed.
> So, if one has a nft.rules file that contains a 'flush ruleset',
> followed by a nat hook register request, then 'nft -f file' will work,
> but running 'nft -f file' again will fail with -EBUSY.
> Reason is that nftables will place the flush/removal requests in the
> transaction list, but it will not act on the removal until after all new
> rules are in place.
> The netfilter core will therefore get request to register a new nat
> hook before the old one is removed -- this now fails as the netfilter
> core can't know the existing hook is staged for removal.
> To fix this, we can search the transaction log when a hook collision
> is detected.  The collision is okay if
>  1. there is a delete request pending for the nat hook that is already
>     registered.
>  2. there is no second add request for a matching nat hook.
>     This is required to only apply the exception once.

Also applied, thanks.
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