Hi everybody!

I have been trying to get Tortoise to run on my own machine for a couple of 
days. My plan is to try and use it for a reserach experiment on 
collaborative computing and CT, so I really need to be able to run it on my 
own machine /server. As I really want NetLogo to be part of this, Tortoise 
seemed very promising.

I have tried multiple things, including figuring out which version of 
GraalVM is used, and can now compile everything without errors. 

However, I have no overview of the project, and no idea about how to 
actually run the thing. I have been looking for an explanation both in here 
and in the different repos without luck.

Can somebody provide me with a quick intro into how to actually run 
Tortoise, or point me in the direction of a ressource with an explanation? 

I have prior experience with java and Nodejs, so I am not looking for a 
complete tutorial, developement guide or documentation. Just some quick 
pointers to get over the initial confusion.

Really hopes anybody can help me.


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