`InterfaceComponent` was designed for read-only use. So what you want to do 
isn't directly supported, and I suspect you'll have to assemble the 
behavior you want out of pieces that are lying around: read the .nlogo file 
from disk and break it into sections (ModelReader.parseModel), write out 
other sections again as-is, but when you get to the widgets section, do 
something special. InterfaceComponent extends AppletPanel which wraps an 
InterfacePanel, which has an getWidgetsForSaving method which returns 
a List<org.nlogo.window.Widget> which you can iterate over and call the 
save method on each widget for writing to the .nlogo file, as in this code 
from ModelSaver:

    // widgets
    section {
      for(w <- model.widgets)
        buf ++= (w.save + "\n")

That's a sketch of the most promising solution path I can think of. Perhaps 
someone on the current development team will have a better idea, not sure.


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