Hey Jean-Daniel,

I'm guessing you were looking at this documentation already, but just to 
make sure:  https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/docs/3d.html#custom-shapes

Unfortunately that is all the info we have on 3D shapes editing, and it's 
pretty limited.  The next idea I had was to check out existing shapes in 
models in the models library as a reference, but I don't see any custom 
shapes used in there, either, beyond the basic "turtle arrow" shape.  I'm 
not sure if there are any "in the wild" NetLogo 3D models out on the 
internet with custom shapes that would be good references.

The only other idea I have is to create a NetLogo 3D model that is just for 
shape editing - when you click `setup` it creates a single turtle with your 
new custom shape and watches/inspects it, setting the appropriate viewing 
angles.  Then you can edit the shape inside the NetLogo 3D file in an 
external editor and quickly reload in NetLogo 3D to see the changes.  That 
might at least ease the process of manually creating the shape.

There are no plans I'm aware of to add 3D shape editing to NetLogo 3D.  
There are also no tools I'm aware of to convert 3D shapes from external 
programs.  Creating a tool like that would be the easiest path to make 3D 
shape editing easier, I think, but I wouldn't call it a simple task.

Sorry I don't have better answers.


On Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 1:46:40 PM UTC-5 Jean-Daniel BLARD wrote:

> Hello developpers,
> I am developping  a netlogo 3d model, and what I  would need is some tool 
> to create models of my own.
> The model is a surface where I grow trees, and the objects  I struggle to 
> create are various kinds of trees. 
> I have tried developping a tool to get 3d coordinates for my objects, but 
> I get nowhere, since  I am not skilled enough in this field of development.
> So : 
> 1) have you planned to give netlogo user the ability to create basic 3d 
> models
> 2) if not, are you aware of a tool I might get coordinates for lines I 
> draw in 3d, in the form of tris and quads, or in the form of lines I could 
> arrange in tris and quad. 
> Thank you in advance, and thank you for this very nice tool. 
> Best regards.  
> Jean-Daniel BLARD

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