
I have reviewed this document, and here are my comments.  I have some
technical issues; apart from that I think this document is ready
for publication.

I have also implemented this statement in pyang (see the branch
'yang-metadata' in pyang's github).

Technical issues:

  o  The 'type' statement is optional in 'md:annotation', and if it is
     not present, the type defaults to string.  I think this is bad
       - it is not consistent with how 'type' is used in other
         YANG statements (leaf, leaf-list, typedef).

       - it is not as clear for the reader as having an explicit

       - it saves just a few characters in every annotation (and
         annotations will be rare) so it is not worth it.

     I suggest making 'type' mandatory in 'md:annotation'.

  o  The type of the argument to 'md:annotation' is not specified.  It
     should be an "identifier" (as defined in 6020bis).

  o  Last paragraph of section 3 and the "description" in the

     The text says that semantics are defined "by other means".  I
     think the semantics should be defined in the
     description/reference statements (by using links or inline text
     doesn't matter).

Editorial issues:

  o  You may want to change the "inactive" example to something less
     controversial.  For example:

     module example-comment {
       namespace "http://example.org/example-comment";;
       prefix "ein";
       import ietf-yang-metadata {
         prefix "md";
       md:annotation comment {
         type string;
           "This annotation is used to attach a free-form comment to
            any data node.";

  o  Update the copyright year to 2015.


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