On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 1:25 AM, Juergen Schoenwaelder <
j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:

> This is the summary of the discussion of YANG 1.1 issue Y60 at the
> IETF 93 meeting in Prague:
>  - It is OK for a YANG 1.1 module to import a YANG 1.0 module (which
>    will of course be interpreted according to the YANG 1.0 rules).

I am not convinced this will be a good idea.
Obviously the compiler has to restrict 1.0 modules to 1.0 syntax,
but the corner-case semantics that have been clarified in 1.1
SHOULD be followed if a 1.1 module imports 1.0, even for augment.

>  - The YANG 1.1 RFC will not obsolete RFC 6020. (RFC 6020 may be
>    retired when all published YANG 1.0 data models have been
>    converted to YANG 1.1.)
>  - The title should be made less NETCONF specific (and the same
>    applies to the Abstract and the Introduction). This will not
>    affect the NETCONF specific examples that are used throughout
>    the text.

If this is the case then I think the "restconf-media-type" hack
should be a real YANG statement.  The reason it is an extension
is because YANG is NETCONF-only.  A real statement
could support augments and deviations.

Just removing a sentence from the abstract is not going to fix all
NETCONF-specific details in YANG.  (Just ask Lada ;-)  It is
not going to make YANG correct for RESTCONF.

YANG will need to be modified for I2RS anyway.  YANG 1.1 took
too long, and now I2RS is ready.  I strongly object to the idea
of starting on 1.2 while 1.1 is still unpublished.

>  - The IANA considerations text copied from RFC 6020 will be removed
>    from the YANG 1.1 specification.

Does this mean that YANG 1.1 will have a normative reference to RFC 6020?
Or are the references to the IANA registries?

>  - The IETF will not run a transition process to retire YANG 1.0; it
>    is assumed that this will happen naturally anyway eventually.

If import-without-revision is used in a 1.0 module, and both 1.0 and 1.1
revisions exist of the imported module, a compiler (and server)
have to make sure the default revision a YANG 1.0 revision.

>  - The NETMOD WG recommends that the IETF will publish only YANG 1.1
>    modules as RFCs once the YANG 1.1 RFC has been published.
> Action items:
>  - AB to check whether there are any loopholes.
>  - JS to schedule virtual interim meetings to handle review comments.
> /js

> --
> Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
> Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
> Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>
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