Since the meeting is only an hour, I think it is unrealistic to think we are 
going to cover both Ops-state and model structure tomorrow.

From: netmod <<>> on 
behalf of Kent Watsen <<>>
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 9:26 PM
To: Andy Bierman <<>>, "Thomas D. 
Nadeau" <<>>
Cc: netmod WG <<>>
Subject: Re: [netmod] Tomorrow's Interim Meeting Details

This goes to model-structure requirements, which are currently undefined.  As 
mentioned below, we will need to spend some time tomorrow writing them down, so 
we have something to call consensus on.    Maybe the open config folks could 
take a stab at this before tomorrow's meeting?


From: Andy Bierman <<>>
Date: Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 9:01 PM
To: Thomas Nadeau <<>>
Cc: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [netmod] Tomorrow's Interim Meeting Details


This email and the one from Benoit do not mention any sort of problem scope.
IMO it would be useful to know if the scope includes all YANG modules, only IETF
YANG modules, or perhaps only IETF routing modules. As the scope gets wider,
the probability that "1 size fits all" goes way down.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Nadeau Thomas 
<<>> wrote:

        I wanted to set things up for the interim meeting tomorrow. To frame 
the meeting, we want to achieve two main goals:

        1) close on requirements around a requirement to define a structure for 
IETF models and the requirements around ops state/models

        2) discuss/debate/understand the differences between the 3 different 
solution approaches as described in draft-openconfig-netmod-opstate-01, 
draft-kwatsen-netmod-opstate, draft-wilton-netmod-opstate-yang.  While I 
understand the last two drafts are relatively new, they are there and have been 
for a time sufficient to read and ask questions on the list of the authors.

        To this end, I’d like to steer the discussion in the direction of 
having direct questions/debate over those solutions. I’d like a representative 
author from each draft lead each of their sections.   If time still exists, I’d 
like to let Kent (speaking as co-chair), objectively compare pros/cons of each 
solution.  I understand that we allocated an hour for tomorrow. We incorrectly 
anticipated a single draft to be compared to the existing opsstate draft.  If 
we need additional time, a second meeting will be planned for hopefully next 
week, so that we can tie things off.

        This is the proposed agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.

        0) Agenda Bashing - Tom/2 min

        1) Statement from the AD:
                Please read

        1) Requirements - Tom/15 min
          - goal is to close on consensus (to be confirmed on list)
              on the problem statement/requirements, as described in
              draft-openconfig-netmod-opstate-01, Sections 3 & 4, and
              implied in draft-openconfig-netmod-model-structure-00
              (yes, we'll need to write them down), as well as any
              other requirements not covered by the above.
            - please come prepared to discuss and finalize these

        2) Questions/Comments about each specific draft - 15 minutes for each
                A rep for each draft (Martin?, Wilton?, Anees?)

           - to be led by a representative for each draft
              (Martin?, Wilton?, Anees?)
            - this is not intended to be a presentation of these solution
              so much as an opportunity to ask questions of the authors
              regarding any aspect of the presented solution.
            - everyone should come prepared having already read these drafts.
            - if there are no questions, we'll move on to the next draft
              right away.

        3) Compare and contrast the solutions () - rest of the time, if time 
permits. Kent (as co-chair)

            - goal is to up-level the conversation to direct comparison
              of the various solutions.

        Finally, I’d like to ask for a volunteer to take notes as well as 
someone to run the Etherpad.

        WebEx Details:

>>> NETMOD Working Group invites you to join this WebEx meeting.
>>> NETMOD Interm meeting on OpenConfig
>>> Thursday, September 10, 2015
>>> 11:00 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr
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