These GitHub issues were opened per this thread:


Thank you Rob!


On 9/11/15, 9:28 AM, "Lou Berger" <> wrote:

>On 9/11/2015 8:09 AM, Nadeau Thomas wrote:
>>>> 3. Support for both transactional, synchronous management
>>>> >>   systems as well as distributed, asynchronous management
>>>> >>   systems
>>>> >> 
>>>> >>    a. For asynchronous systems, the ability to request a protocol
>>>> >>        operation to not return (i.e. block) until the intended
>>>> >>        configuration has been fully synchronized.
>>> > I'm not sure why 3 (a) is a requirement, or its unclear to me where
>>>this is specified in the openconfig-netmod-opstate draft.
>>      Anees/Rob, can you guys please add some color to the above
>>descriptions to help clarify things for Robert?
>I see (3) but not (3.a) in
>so am unsure how 3.a made it on the list.
>also, I don't object to 3.a if *users* say they need it.
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