
Here are my review comments on YANG 1.1.
IMO the document is almost ready for publication.
I plan to implement YANG 1.1 in YumaPro tools soon.

Review of draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis-08.txt
Andy Bierman

Sec 1:
  - text about 'proposed to be used' should be 'going to be used';
    RESTCONF and JSON drafts part of same WG charter as YANG 1.1

 - RESTCONF needs to be in scope
     "Other protocols and encodings are possible, but out of scope for this

Sec. 1.1
   o  Made "when" and "if-feature" illegal on list keys, unless the
      parent is also conditional, and the condition matches the parent's

  - This contradicts text in
   A leaf that is a list key MUST NOT have any "if-feature" statements.
   A leaf that is a list key MUST NOT have a "when" statement.

  - Which is correct?
  - The 7.* MUST NOT text is not backward compatible with YANG 1.0
    I think the WG agreed on what the bullet in 1.1 says, not the
    new restrictions in 7.*

Sec. 4.2.1, para 2:

   A server may implement a number of modules, allowing multiple views
   of the same data, or multiple views of disjoint subsections of the
   server's data.  Alternatively, the server may implement only one
   module that defines all available data.

 - What does 'multiple views of the same data' really mean?
 - Should 'may' be 'MAY'?

Sec. 5.6.4: para 2:

   A server MUST NOT implement more than one revision of a module.

 - IMO this should a SHOULD NOT or 'MUST NOT advertise' instead
   of MUST NOT implement

   Example of possible exception:
    - rev N-1 has object needed by application
    - rev N has that object set to status 'obsolete' (and removed)
    - rev N also has other objects unrelated to the obsolete object
      but desired for the product feature set

Sec. 5.6.4:
  - para 4: the rules for populating the YANG library should probably be
    in the yang-library draft
  - the example on page 35 - 37 should probably be in the
    yang-library draft

Sec. 5.6.5.  Announcing Conformance Information in NETCONF

  - This should really be in a NETCONF 1.2 spec
  - RESTCONF draft defines ietf-yang-library requirements for RESTCONF.
    Why should YANG 1.1 define NETCONF ietf-yang-library requirements?

Sec. 5.7: Datastore Modification

  - This section is NETCONF specific for no apparent reason

Sec. 6.4.1: bullet 5

   o  The set of variable bindings is empty.

  - This is not true.  The NACM data model defines the USER variable.
    This text should say that YANG modules MAY define variable bindings
    associated with conformance for that module (like NACM does).

Sec. 6.4.1: XPath accessible tree

  - I object to expanding the context of XPath evaluation for
    notification and rpc/input, rpc/output.  This is too complicated
    to implement and under-specified, resulting in poor interoperability.

  - What is the justification for this expansion of complexity?
    An tool cannot reproduce the same result anymore for
    <rpc>, <rpc-reply> or <notification> offline validation.

 - Notification context expanded from notification message to message +
   running config + operational state;  When is the server supposed
   to gather and check all the data nodes? Event time? Buffer time?
   Send time? What if operational state or config changes while the
   notification is in the replay buffer?

 - RPC input context expanded from input message to message +
   running config + operational state;  When is the server supposed
   to gather and check all the data nodes? Parse time? Buffer time?
   Invocation time?

 - RPC output context expanded from input message to message +
   running config + operational state;  Is the server supposed to
   wait for operational state that may change as a result of the
   action or rpc being invoked?

 - The expanded contexts for notification and rpc statements
   require coupling of the notification and RPC processing
   implementation components to the datastore and operational data.
   This is a big change from current NETCONF requirements.
   YANG should not be making any changes to NETCONF, but it does
   in several places, effectively creating a new undeclared
   version of the NETCONF protocol

 - It is not clear if "action" and "notification" statements
   nested in the data tree are visible at all for XPath evaluation.
   (They MUST NOT be visible)

 - NETCONF <get> and <get-config> "filter" element needs clarification
   wrt/ action and notification within the data tree

 - NETCONF and RESTCONF notifications "filter" element needs clarification
   wrt/ action and notification within the data tree

Sec. 7.5.3: must: last para

   Also note that the XPath expression is conceptually evaluated.  This
   means that an implementation does not have to use an XPath evaluator
   in the server.  How the evaluation is done in practice is an
   implementation decision.

Sec.  The error-app-tag Statement

   The "error-app-tag" statement, which is optional, takes a string as
   an argument.  If the constraint evaluates to false, the string is
   passed as <error-app-tag> in the <rpc-error> in NETCONF.

 - all the error-message and error-app-tag sub-sections apply to
   RESTCONF as well as NETCONF.  They share the same error reporting

Sec. 7.5.8:
Sec. 7.6.7:
Sec. 7.7.9:
Sec. 7.9.6:
Sec. 7.10.3:  NETCONF <edit-config> Operations

 - Can these sections be changed to 'Configuration Datastore Edit
   Operations' and be generic so they focus on the contents of
   the datastore before and after the edit, without specifying
   <edit-config> as the edit operation

 - RESTCONF needs to be supported, or all this should be moved
   to NETCONF 1.2

Sec. 7.6.1.  The leaf's default value

 - this section should mention that a false if-feature
   or false when-stmt removes the schema node from the
   tree, which overrides all this text. There is no default
   value if there is no schema node

 - It is confusing that 'must' and 'when' work very
   differently wrt/ default. must-stmt does not ignore defaults
   but 'when' overrides and removes the 'when', so it needs to
   be evaluated before the 'must' stmt:

   leaf confusing {
     must "/some/val=4";
     when "/some/other/value/test";
     default 42;
     type int32;

Sec. 7.7.2.  The leaf-list's default values

 - this section represents 2 new requirements to compilers
   that should be more apparent:

   1) remembering the order of "default" statements
   2) the default only applies if 'min-elements 0' is in effect

 - what is the rationale for not applying the default if
   min-elements is > 0?  It looks like the leaf/container rule
   that mandatory and default are not allowed together is
   being applied here.  This should be more clear here

Sec. 7.11.  The anyxml Statement

 - The 'anyxml' statement should be deprecated.
   If not, this section needs to provide rationale for
   its 'current' status, given that 'anydata' has been added
   No use cases are provided for anyxml in the draft.

 - There are few if any servers that support anyxml the way
   it is defined here, and that is not likely to change.
   The draft does not specify how the XML must be parsed,
   stored, or rendered later, if it is part of configuration

Sec. 7.15.  The action Statement

 - an action must appear directly within a container or a
   list, an 'augment' or a 'uses' statement.
   Why is 'case' statement left out of direct usage and
   only allowed via 'uses' or 'augment'?

 - para 2: groupings are not reusable if they contain actions,
   since they are not allowed in rpc, notification, or action
   This should be pointed out in the section on groupings

 - the reason for the restriction on top-level action is not
   given.  The syntax would support this, and the identifier
   namespace is shared (same as rpc).

 - the context nodes for action input and output are very different
   this could be more clear

 - is the server required to process XPath or constraints on the
   output at some point in the execution of the action?

 - there is no rationale given why the ping operation should
   be done as an action instead of an RPC

   list interface {
       key "name";

       leaf name {
         type string;

       action ping {
         input {
           leaf destination {
             type inet:ip-address;
         output {
           leaf packet-loss {
             type uint8;

 Why not use an RPC?
 No rationale for both ways to implement an operation
 like 'ping' is given.

   rpc ping {
     input {
       leaf itf-name {
         mandatory true;
         type if:interface-ref;
       leaf destination {
         type inet:ip-address;
     output {
       leaf packet-loss {
         type uint8;

Sec. 7.16.  The notification Statement

   If a leaf in the notification tree has a "mandatory" statement with
   the value "true", the leaf MUST be present in a notification

 - Why is this apply to leaf but not container or choice?
   They should be mentioned here as well.

 - No rationale is given for defining notifications within data nodes
   vs. top-level notification-stmt

 - It is not clear how RFC 5277 <filter> can be applied to the
    notification message that is nested within data, given the
   location of the 'notification' root within the data tree is
   not static, and different for each notification.

Sec. 7.17.  The augment Statement

 - can augment path-stmts contain nested 'action' or 'notification'
   nodes and subnodes, like for rpc-stmt?  If, so then the
   sub-statements are restricted by context, e.g., action-stmt
   cannot be added to /foo/bar/action/input/baz.

Sec. 7.18.2.  The base Statement

  - There are no examples or use-cases given for multiple base
    statements. An example should be added.

 - Para 1 says:
      If multiple "base" statements are present, the identity is derived
      from all of them.

   The draft does not say how this is done. It is not clear how
   a particular identity-stmt has multiple bases and how a server
   determines an identify is derived from multiple bases. Examples
   of a 'pass' and 'fail' for this test should be given.

Sec. 7.19.  The extension Statement

   "YANG statements in extensions MUST follow the syntactical rules
    in Section 14."

  - What is the rationale for this rule? Extension statements
    should be outside the scope of YANG. They should just follow the
    syntax rules in sec. 6.

 - This says YANG syntax MUST be preserved, but YANG semantics
   can be ignored or changed.  Is that the intent?

   "An extension can allow refinement (see Section 7.13.2) and deviations
   (Section, but the mechanism for how this is defined is
   outside the scope of this specification."

 - This text about refinement and deviations is not clear.
   Is it MUST, SHOULD, or MAY? It is normative, but unspecified.

Sec. 7.20.2.  The if-feature Statement

 - This section does not define how "(" if-feature-expr ")" is
   evaluated, or how the precedence is evaluated if parens are used.
   Evaluated of nested parens is not defined either.

 - Are operators of the same type evaluated left to right?

 - should be some examples to show precedence
   "not foo or bar and baz"
   "(not foo) or (bar and baz)"
   "not (foo or bar) and baz"

Sec. 7.21.2.  The status Statement

   If a definition is "current", it MUST NOT reference a "deprecated" or
   "obsolete" definition within the same module.

   If a definition is "deprecated", it MUST NOT reference an "obsolete"
   definition within the same module.

 - It is not clear what it means for a definition to reference
   another definition.

 - Why is this restriction limited to the same module and not
   include imported modules?

 - Don't the 'deprecated' and 'obsolete' values ripple up through
   the data tree, all the way to the top-level node? Otherwise
   a current list can have deprecated or obsolete children.
   It should be explained how status is contained (or not)
   for nodes within other statements.

 - What does it mean to use a current grouping that contains deprecated
   or obsolete nodes?  Is this allowed?

Sec. 7.21.5.  The when Statement

 bullet 3:
 - Altering the tree changes means that each when-stmt processes
   a different XML document.  IMO it is a bad idea to replace a
   node that is in the tree with a dummy node.  It is OK to create
   a temp dummy node as an implementation detail to decide if
   a when-stmt is true or not.

 "If the XPath expression references any node that also has associated
 "when" statements, these "when" expressions MUST be evaluated first.
 There MUST NOT be any circular dependencies in these "when"

 - This requirement is not implementable and needs to be removed.
   The draft should just say what the result is supposed to be
   (and it does -- all nodes with false when-stmts are removed)

 "Note that the XPath expression is conceptually evaluated.  This means
  that an implementation does not have to use an XPath evaluator in the
  server.  The "when" statement can very well be implemented with
  specially written code."

 - The rules for how to process a when-stmt contradict this
   text at the end of the section that when-stmt is only
   conceptual.  No implementation details should be mandated.

Sec. 8.1: Constraints on Data

 - bullets say constraint MUST be true, but this info should really
   be part of NETCONF, and should say what a NETCONF server should
   so when a constraint is false

Sec. 8.2.1.  Payload Parsing

 - The NETCONF-specific error handling text should be made more generic

Sec. 8.2.2.  NETCONF <edit-config> Processing

  - This text should be more generic if possible.
  - Why do all the NETCONF implementation requirements apply only
    to <edit-config> and not also <copy-config>?

Sec.  The enum's Substatements
Sec.  The bit's Substatements

 - example of if-feature should be given
 - It should be explicitly stated that if-feature has no effect
   on auto-numbering
 - what happens if a feature value is changed at boot-time or run-time,
   causing valid enumeration or bits values within a datastore to
   suddenly become invalid?  Changing the value set of a leaf or leaf-list
   with if-feature is very complicated and under-specified

Sec. 9.9.1.  (Leafref) Restrictions

 - can leafref require-instance be changed via typedef?

   typedef foo-ptr {
     type leafref {
       path "/some/node/foo";

   typedef foo-ptr2 {
     type foo-ptr {
       require-instance false;

Sec. 9.10.5.  (Identityref) Usage Example

 - Add an example and use-case showing multiple base-stmts
   for an identityref

Sec. 9.12.  The union Built-In Type

 - What happens to a union type when a feature is enabled or disabled,
   and there are 1 or more bits or enumeration member types that are
   affected, such that the member type changes? Is this just an
   implementation detail?

Sec. 10.1.1.  current()

 - an example for current() should be given

Sec. 10.3.1.  deref()

 - why is this XPath function needed?
   No use-cases are explained.
   The example given shows that deref(.) saves some extra typing
   from the previous line.  Not very interesting new feature.
 - what if the first node in the parameter node-set is another
   leafref?  Does this function keep de-referencing until it
   gets to a plain leaf?

Sec. 10.4.1.  derived-from()
Sec. 10.4.2.  derived-from-or-self()

 - example for derived from in wrong section
 - no example given for derived-from-or-self()
 - no explanation why 1 function would be used instead of the other
 - these functions do not actually define what it means
   to be "derived from".  What does it mean in terms of base-stmt matching
   like an identityref?
 - What if there are multiple bases?  These functions only support 1 base.

Sec. 11.  Updating a Module

 - seems all instances of 'may' need to be changed to 'MAY'

 - last para:
   In statements that have any data definition statements as
   substatements, those data definition substatements MUST NOT be

   Why is this requirement in here?  Seems like changing the
   order of case-stmts within a choice-stmt does not matter.
   Changing the order of augment-stmts does not matter.
   Why does changing order of any data-def statement break an old client?

Sec 12.  Coexistence with YANG version 1

 - para 4: :"server MAY implement both..." contradicts this text in 5.6.4:
   "A server MUST NOT implement more than one revision of a module."

 - this section does not address what happens if protocol-accessible
   objects have changed between the implemented YANG 1.0 module revision
   and the implemented YANG 1.1 module revision.  Since NETCONF and
   RESTCONF do not specify YANG language version or YANG module revision
   in edit payloads or retrieval filters, how does the server even
   know if a client is asking for the YANG 1.0 vs. YANG 1.1  implementation
   of a particular data node?

Sec. 18.  Contributors

    - Andy Bierman (Brocade)
    - Andy Bierman (YumaWorks)

 p8: para 1:  s/propsed/proposed/
 p10: bullet 3: s/defintions/definitions/
 p37, para 4: s/enconding/encoding/
 p43, para 3: s/SHOULD not/SHOULD NOT/

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