[As a contributor]

Hi Juergen,

I agree with you that req #5 sticks out as the odd ball in the bunch.  I 
suggested once to remove it a long time back, but I guess it fell on deaf ears 
then.  Anyway, given where we are with this document, I’m unsure what to do, 
but here are our options:

1. Leave requirement #5 in the document, but spend time improving it to WG 

2. Take requirement #5 out, declaring it an unwanted distraction from the 
primary opstate focus.  We’d have to be sure to get sign-off from the OC folks 

So far it sounds like Juergen and I are with #2, how about others?


On 12/18/15, 2:59 AM, "Juergen Schoenwaelder" 
<j.schoenwael...@jacobs-university.de> wrote:

>On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 09:27:12PM +0000, Kent Watsen wrote:
>> [As a contributor]
>> Thank you for the review Juergen.
>> Great suggestions.  If no one objects, I’ll incorporate them into the next 
>> revision of the document after last call.
>> My one comment is that I don’t believe the document is limited to the 
>> introduction of applied configuration. For instance, the relating of config 
>> to derived state and also the model structure requirement are not related to 
>> applied config.  In all fairness, Requirement #5 (model structure) isn’t 
>> even about operational state.
>Reading #5 again I must admit that I do not really understand what
>this requirement tries to accomplish:
>   5.  Ability for distinct modules to leverage a common model-structure
>       A.  Focus on the IETF-defined modules, and ideally provides
>           guidance to other SDOs
>       B.  Multiple domain-specific model-structure trees are okay
>       C.  Model-structures may be defined in multiple modules with
>           distinct namespaces
>At this level of abstraction, #5 really does not mean anything or N
>people will have at least N different interpretations of it. I
>actually think this should be taken out and moved into a different
>document and then it requires to be developed into something much more
>> So your title and abstract suggestions might define too narrow a scope.  So 
>> how about:
>> Title: Terminology and Requirements for Operational State and Model Structure
>> Abstract:
>>      This document defines requirements for enhancing the support
>>      of operational state through the introduction of a conceptual
>>      "applied configuration".  The document also defines requirements
>>      enabling distinct modules to leverage a common model structure.
>> …and add an Introduction section that expands on this theme further?
>I think this is getting into the wrong direction and as explained
>above #5 is by far underspecified to be of any value. I suggest to
>take it out so that we can publish the rest in a timely manner. The
>alternative is to hold off this document in an attempt to replace #5
>with something that is concrete and actionable.
>Juergen Schoenwaelder           Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH
>Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
>Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <http://www.jacobs-university.de/>
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