Moving from xpath 1.0 to a newer version of xpath impacts certain
implementations in non-trivial ways. Note that the WG charter says:

  The NETMOD Working Group will produce a maintenance release of the
  core YANG specification called YANG 1.1, that is a revision of RFC
  6020. The changes to RFC 6020 are restricted in the following ways:

  - All compliant YANG 1.0 modules must be accepted as compliant YANG
    1.1 modules.

  - All known ambiguities of YANG 1.0 and all reported defects and
    errata will be addressed.

  - YANG 1.1 is not adding fundamentally new data modeling concepts to
    the language.

  - The changes of the specification will be kept to the minimum
    necessary to achieve the previously stated goals.

Moving to a more powerful version of xpath is out of scope for YANG
1.1. Note that we are wrapping things up, the deadline for submitting
feature requests has long passed.


On Tue, Feb 02, 2016 at 12:32:47AM +0000, fengchong (C) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I notice draft-ietf-netmod-rfc6020bis-09 still uses xpath1.0 as a notation 
> for checking node references or dependencies.
> I don’t know why we don’t use xpath3.0 or xpath2.0? xpath3.0 is more powerful 
> than xpath1.0.
> For example, xpath3.0 introduced conditional expression. It’s very useful for 
> must statement.
> If we have a schema tree like this:
> List l {
>   Key a;
>   Leaf a {…}
>   Leaf b {…}
>   Leaf c {…}
>   Leaf d {…}
> }
> If a= 5 and b=10 and c >20, then d must be less than 30 and greater than 15.
> If use xpath1.0, the MUST statement should be:
> Must “a != 5
>  or b != 10
> or c <=20
> or  (a =5 and b = 10 and c>20 and d >15 and d < 30)”
> if use xpath3.0:
> must “if (a =5 and b = 10 and c>20)
> then d>15 and d<30
> else true()”
>   if we feel xpath3.0 is too complicated, we can specify a small set of xpath 
> grammar for YANG.
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